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Converts all the LEAD Annotation objects in an AnnContainer into one or more DICOM annotation objects, and adds (overwrites or appends) the result in a Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet.
public DicomElement FromAnnContainerToDataSet(
DicomDataSet ds,
AnnContainer annContainer,
DicomDataSet dsImage,
string newSeriesInstanceUid,
string newSopInstanceUid,
FromAnnContainerToDataSetOptions options
The Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet where the resulting DICOM Annotation objects are stored.
The Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.AnnContainer that contains a list of Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject objects that are to be converted.
The Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet on which the annotations are rendered.
The SeriesInstanceUID of the resulting ds. Pass string.Empty to auto-generate.
The SopInstanceUID of the resulting ds. Pass string.Empty to auto-generate.
A Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet of type DicomUidType.GrayscaleSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage containing all the annotations in annContainer.
This method converts a LEAD Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.AnnContainer of Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject objects into one or more DICOM annotation objects (text, graphic, and compound graphic), and stores or appends the result inside the ds parameter.
If the resulting DICOM annotation object is:
The dsImage is a Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet that contains an image on which the annotations are to be rendered.
Patient, Study, and series information is copied from dsImage and stored in the resulting ds, including:
Patient Information:
PatientStudy Information:
Study Information:
Series Information:
Pass FromAnnContainerToDataSetOptions.Create to overwrite any existing annotations in ds.
Pass FromAnnContainerToDataSetOptions.Append to append to any existing annotations in ds.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Annotations;
using Leadtools.Annotations;
using Leadtools.Annotations.Engine;
// This example stores DICOM annotations for two different DICOM instances in the same DICOM presentation file
// The DICOM annotations are then loaded separately for each DICOM instance
// When running this sample, you must pass two different DICOM instances for the same PatientID
// The following DICOM files can be used:
// 1. C:\LEADTOOLSxx\Examples\DotNet\PACSFramework\CS\PACSDatabaseConfigurationDemo\Resources\cr1.dcm
// 2. C:\LEADTOOLSxx\Examples\DotNet\PACSFramework\CS\PACSDatabaseConfigurationDemo\Resources\cr1.dcm
private void DicomAnnotationsUtilities_FromAnnContainerToDataSet2(DicomDataSet dsImage1, DicomDataSet dsImage2, string outfilePresentationState)
// Create an AnnRectangleObject (rotated, filled)
AnnRectangleObject rectangleObject = new AnnRectangleObject();
rectangleObject.Stroke.Stroke = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("red");
rectangleObject.Fill = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("blue");
rectangleObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(100, 100));
rectangleObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(200, 100));
rectangleObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(200, 200));
rectangleObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(100, 200));
rectangleObject.Rotate(45.0, ConvertLeadPointD(150, 150));
// Create a polyline object
AnnPolylineObject polylineObject = new AnnPolylineObject();
polylineObject.Stroke.Stroke = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("red");
polylineObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(300, 100));
polylineObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(400, 200));
// Add them to the AnnContainer
AnnContainer annContainer = new AnnContainer();
annContainer.Mapper = new AnnContainerMapper(96, 96, 96, 96);
// Create a DicomDataSet
using (DicomDataSet dsPS = new DicomDataSet())
dsPS.Initialize(DicomClassType.GrayscaleSoftcopyPresentationState, DicomDataSetInitializeFlags.AddMandatoryModulesOnly | DicomDataSetInitializeFlags.AddMandatoryElementsOnly);
// Delete the empty referenced Series Sequence
DicomElement referencedSeriesSequence = dsPS.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.ReferencedSeriesSequence, true);
if (referencedSeriesSequence != null)
// Add a new Referenced Series Sequence
dsPS.AddPresentationStateImageReference(dsImage1, null, 0);
// Set up the DicomAnnotationsUtilities converter
DicomAnnotationsUtilities du = new DicomAnnotationsUtilities();
// Change the DICOM Unique Identifier Organization Root
// The SOPInstanceUID of the presentation state will start with this prefix
du.DicomUidOrgRoot = "1.2.840.1111.2222.3333";
// Set defaults
du.UseMapper = true;
du.ContainerMapper = annContainer.Mapper;
du.DefaultObject = new DicomTextObject();
du.ImageDpiX = 96.0;
du.ImageDpiY = 96.0;
du.DisplayWidth = 200;
du.DisplayHeight = 200;
du.LayerName = "Layer 0";
// Set up the presentation state module
PresentationStateIdentificationModule ps = new PresentationStateIdentificationModule();
ps.ContentCreatorName = "My Content Creator Name";
ps.ContentDescription = "My Content Description";
ps.ContentLabel = "My Content Label";
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
ps.CreationDate = new DicomDateValue(now);
ps.CreationTime = new DicomTimeValue(now);
ps.InstanceNumber = 123;
du.PresentationStateIdentification = ps;
// Convert LEAD annotations to DICOM annotations
// Note that dsImage1 and dsImage2 must have the same PatientID
// The images can be from different studies and series
// 1. Add annotations for dsImage1
du.FromAnnContainerToDataSet(dsPS, annContainer, dsImage1, string.Empty, string.Empty, FromAnnContainerToDataSetOptions.Create);
// 2. Add annotations for dsImage2
// Create an AnnEllipseObject (rotated, filled)
AnnEllipseObject ellipseObject = new AnnEllipseObject();
ellipseObject.Stroke.Stroke = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("red");
ellipseObject.Fill = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("yellow");
ellipseObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(100, 100));
ellipseObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(200, 100));
ellipseObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(200, 200));
ellipseObject.Points.Add(ConvertLeadPointD(100, 200));
du.FromAnnContainerToDataSet(dsPS, annContainer, dsImage2, string.Empty, string.Empty, FromAnnContainerToDataSetOptions.Append);
// Save the presentation state
dsPS.Save(outfilePresentationState, DicomDataSetSaveFlags.None);
// Read the annotations for dsImage1 -- there should be two objects
AnnContainer annContainer1 = du.FromDataSetToAnnContainer(dsPS, null, dsImage1);
Debug.Assert(annContainer1.Children.Count == 2);
// Read the annotations for dsImage2 -- there should be one object
AnnContainer annContainer2 = du.FromDataSetToAnnContainer(dsPS, null, dsImage2);
Debug.Assert(annContainer2.Children.Count == 1);
MessageBox.Show("Presentation State Saved: " + outfilePresentationState);
LeadPointD ConvertLeadPointD(double x, double y)
double imageDpi = 96.0;
return new LeadPointD(x * 720.0 / imageDpi, y * 720.0 / imageDpi);