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MacroSubstitutionDelegate<T> Delegate


Provides a delegate type to be used to process a macro.

public delegate string MacroSubstitutionDelegate( 
   T item, 
   string name, 
   object[] parameters 
generic<typename T> 
public delegate String^ MacroSubstitutionDelegate(  
   _T^_ item, 
   String^ name, 
   ... array<Object^>^ parameters 


item The user data passed to the macro process.

name The name of the macro.

parameters The parameters passed to the macro.

Type Parameters

Type of user item being passed to the macro process.

Return Value

A string that represents the macro.


This example adds two macros to the macro processor and processes a string.

using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Anonymization; 
public void MacroProcessorSample() 
   MacroProcessor<object> processor = new MacroProcessor<object>(); 
   // add two macros to the macro processor 
   processor.Macros.Add("current_date", new MacroSubstitutionDelegate<object>(CurrentDateMacro)); 
   processor.Macros.Add("current_time", new MacroSubstitutionDelegate<object>(CurrentTimeMacro)); 
   // Process a macro string 
   Console.WriteLine(processor.Process(processor, "${current_date} ==> ${current_time}")); 
private string CurrentDateMacro(object userData, string name, params object[] parameters) 
   return DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); 
private string CurrentTimeMacro(object userData, string name, params object[] parameters) 
   return DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); 

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