VoiType Enumeration

Specifies the VOI type for the DisplaySet.
public enum VoiType 
Value Member Description
0 Undefined Undefined.
1 Lung Lung.
2 Mediastinum Mediastinum.
3 AbdoPelvis AbdoPelvis.
4 Liver Liver.
5 SoftTissue SoftTissue.
6 Bone Bone.
7 Brain Brain.
8 PostFossa PostFossa.
9 BrainT1 BrainT1.
10 BrainT2 BrainT2.
11 SagT2 SagT2.
12 HeadNeck HeadNeck.
13 Spine Spine.
14 AbdomenPelvisT1 AbdomenPelvisT1.
15 AbdomenPelvisT2 AbdomenPelvisT2.
16 LowContrast LowContrast.
17 MediumContrast MediumContrast.
18 HighContrast HighContrast.

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