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Leadtools.Document.LEADOffice.Sheet Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Document LEADOffice Sheet classes.


Class Description
Class Cell Defines a fundamental component in Excel document manipulation, providing a range of methods and properties to manage the content and appearance of individual cells.Includes methods to get and set cell values, formulas, and styles, as well as properties that give information about the cell's content and location in a worksheet.
Class CellBorder Manages the border style and color of a cell in an Excel worksheet, allowing the customization of their aesthetic and visual structure.
Class CellRange Represents a range of cells within a spreadsheet that encapsulates the coordinates of a rectangular cell range, defined by its first and last rows and columns.
Class CellRangeSortOptions Encapsulates data sorting options for a range of cells within a sheet, allowing to sort in either ascending or descending order.
Class CellStyle Encapsulates the styling and formatting options for a cell in a sheet to allow customization of aspects such as font, background color, alignment, and cell borders.
Class Font Represents the font attributes for text in a spreadsheet's cell. It encapsulates font properties such as name, size, style, and color, allowing for detailed customization of text appearance.
Class Hyperlink Represents a hyperlink. It encapsulates the essential properties of a hyperlink, including its destination address, a tooltip for additional information, and the hyperlink type.
Class LEADWorkbook Represents a workbook in Excel that encapsulates a collection of sheets along with operations to manipulate them.It offers functionalities to add, remove, or modify sheets, and handle workbook saving operations.Additionally, it provides methods to customize fonts, cell styles, and hyperlinks that enhance the interactivity of the workbook content.
Class LEADWorkbookFactory Provides factory methods for creating new instances of LEADWorkbook or loading them from either files or streams.
Class LoadWorkbookOptions Encapsulates options for loading a LEADWorkbook, including settings for password protection and opening a workbook in read-only mode.This class provides control over how workbooks are accessed and manipulated during the loading process.
Class MergedCellRegions Encapsulates functionality for managing merged cell regions within an Excel sheet. It provides methods to add, remove, and retrieve merged cell regions.
Class Row Represents a single row within an Excel sheet, providing properties and methods to access and manipulate cells within the row. Facilitates row-specific operations such as creating new cells or retrieving existing ones, enhancing the ability to programmatically interact with sheet data at the row level.
Class Sheet Encapsulates the functionalities of a single sheet within an Excel workbook, providing properties and methods to access and manipulate rows, columns, cell contents, and embedded elements like images and merged cell regions.It serves as a foundational component for building and modifying spreadsheet documents.
Class SheetImage Represents an image embedded in an Excel sheet, providing access to the image itself, its display bounds within the sheet, and the cell range over which the image is placed.Facilitates the manipulation and analysis of images within sheets, enhancing the ability to programmatically interact with sheet content.
Class SheetImages Represents a collection of images embedded within an Excel sheet.It provides methods to add images to the sheet and properties to access these images, facilitating dynamic management of visual content in spreadsheet documents.
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Leadtools.Document.LEADOffice Assembly
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