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Leadtools.Dicom.Server.Admin Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Dicom Server Admin classes.


Class Description
Class DicomService Represents a DICOM service.
Class DicomServiceController Represents a PACS Framework Server service.
Class ErrorEventArgs Provides data for the error event.
Class ExtendedServiceController Extends the ServiceController by adding members to monitor the status of a Windows Service.
Class MessageEventArgs Provides data for the message event.
Class ServiceAddedEventArgs Provides data for the ServiceRemoved event.
Class ServiceAdministrator The administrative class for the LEADTOOLS PACS Framework.
Class ServiceControllerExtensions A class containing extension methods for the ServiceController class.
Class ServiceRemovedEventArgs Provides data for the ServiceRemoved event.
Class ServiceStatusEventArgs Provides data for the StatusChanged event.
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Leadtools.Dicom.Server.Admin Assembly
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