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Loads an attachment as a LEADDocument object.
public static LEADDocument LoadDocumentAttachment(
LoadFromCacheOptions loadOptions,
LoadAttachmentOptions attachmentsOptions
Options to identify the owner document. This value cannot be null.
Options to identify the attachment. This value cannot be null.
The attachment document as a LEADDocument object if successful; otherwise, null.
Use LEADDocument.LoadDocumentAttachment to load an attachment if the owner document is already loaded as a LEADDocument object. The remarks in this section regarding loadOptions is not used, since the owner document is already loaded. However, the remarks regarding attachmentOptions applies.
Use DocumentFactory.LoadDocumentAttachment to load an attachment if the owner document is not loaded and only its ID is available.
This method works as follows:
The owner document is loaded from the cache using the options set in loadOptions using LoadFromCache. If not successful, then null is returned.
The corresponding DocumentAttachment object for LoadAttachmentOptions.AttachmentNumber of attachmentOptions is obtained.
If not successful, then an exception is thrown.
If this value is null or loading from cache fails, then the workflow continues to the next section.
If the attachment is not embedded (the value of DocumentAttachment.IsEmbedded is false), then null is returned.
If the attachment is embedded (the value of DocumentAttachment.IsEmbedded is true), then the attachment data is obtained through DocumentAttachments.CreateAttachmentStream; and if successful, a LEADDocument object is created using LoadFromStream and returned.
For more information, refer to Document Attachments.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Document.Writer;
using Leadtools.Document;
using Leadtools.Caching;
using Leadtools.Annotations.Engine;
using Leadtools.Ocr;
using Leadtools.Barcode;
using Leadtools.Document.Converter;
public void AttachmentsExample()
// The PDF document can be one of the following:
// 1. Normal PDF without attachments. Has one or more pages and no attachments.
// 2. Normal PDF with attachments. Has one or more pages and one or more attachments.
// 3. PDF Portfolio. Has a placeholder page and one or more attachments.
// The value of LoadDocumentOptions.LoadAttachmentsMode affects loading the documents as follows:
// 1. Normal PDF without attachments: Will not be affected.
// 2. Normal PDF with attachments: Number of pages is not affected.
// Number of attachments is:
// LoadAttachmentsMode = None then 0
// LoadAttachmentsMode = AsAttachments then number of attachments found in the document.
// 3. PDF Portfolio: Number of pages is:
// LoadAttachmentsMode = None then 1 (the placeholder page)
// LoadAttachmentsMode = AsAttachments then 0 (the document has no pages).
// Number of attachments is:
// LoadAttachmentsMode = None then 0
// LoadAttachmentsMode = AsAttachments then number of attachments found in the document.
// First, load the document without attachments
string pdfFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Leadtools.pdf");
string outputDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir);
Console.WriteLine($"Loading with DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.None");
var loadDocumentOptions = new LoadDocumentOptions();
loadDocumentOptions.LoadAttachmentsMode = DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.None;
using (LEADDocument document = DocumentFactory.LoadFromFile(pdfFile, loadDocumentOptions))
Console.WriteLine($"Document has {document.Pages.Count} pages");
// Find out if the document is portfolio
bool isPortfolio =
document.Metadata.ContainsKey(LEADDocument.MetadataKey_IsPortfolio) &&
// Check that everything is as expected
// We should have 0 attachments since we did not instruct the toolkit to load these
Debug.Assert(document.Attachments.Count == 0);
// We should have one or more pages regardless of whether the document is PDF portfolio
Debug.Assert(document.Pages.Count > 0);
// Next, load the document with attachments
Console.WriteLine($"Loading with DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.AsAttachments");
loadDocumentOptions.LoadAttachmentsMode = DocumentLoadAttachmentsMode.AsAttachments;
using (LEADDocument document = DocumentFactory.LoadFromFile(pdfFile, loadDocumentOptions))
document.AutoDeleteAttachmentsFromCache = true;
Console.WriteLine($"Document has {document.Pages.Count} pages");
// Find out if the document is portfolio
bool isPortfolio =
document.Metadata.ContainsKey(LEADDocument.MetadataKey_IsPortfolio) &&
// Check that everything is as expected
// We may have 0 or more attachments depending on the file
Console.WriteLine($"Document has {document.Attachments.Count} attachments");
// We should have one or more pages unless this is PDF portfolio, then it will have 0 pages
if (isPortfolio)
Debug.Assert(document.Pages.Count == 0);
// Extract all the attachments into the output directory
foreach (DocumentAttachment attachment in document.Attachments)
// Show info on this attachment
Console.WriteLine($"Attachment number {attachment.AttachmentNumber} file name is '{attachment.FileName}', " +
$"length is {attachment.FileLength} bytes, and ID is {attachment.DocumentId}, Is Embedded: {attachment.IsEmbedded}");
// Get the attachment file name
// This value may not be unique, so combine it with the attachment number
string attachmentFileName = $"{attachment.AttachmentNumber}-{attachment.FileName}";
attachmentFileName = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, attachmentFileName);
// Get the attachment as a stream, we do not want to save it to the cache so pass null for that
// DocumentAttachments reference
using (Stream attachmentStream = document.Attachments.CreateAttachmentStream(attachment.AttachmentNumber, null))
if (attachmentStream != null)
// Save it to the output file
using (var stream = File.Create(attachmentFileName))
var saveOptions = new SaveAttachmentToCacheOptions();
saveOptions.AttachmentNumber = 0;
saveOptions.UpdateAttachmentDocumentId = true;
saveOptions.UploadDocumentOptions = new UploadDocumentOptions();
// Or load this attachment as a LEADDocument, this might fail if the attachment is not of a valid image
// or document format
Console.WriteLine("Loading as LEADDocument");
var loadAttachmentOptions = new LoadAttachmentOptions();
loadAttachmentOptions.AttachmentNumber = attachment.AttachmentNumber;
loadAttachmentOptions.UpdateAttachmentDocumentId = true;
using (LEADDocument attachmentDocument = document.LoadDocumentAttachment(loadAttachmentOptions))
Console.WriteLine($"Success, attachment document mime type is {attachmentDocument.MimeType} and has {attachmentDocument.Pages.Count} pages");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error {ex.Message}");
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images";