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MRTDReader Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by MRTDReader.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor MRTDReader Initializes a new MRTDReader class object.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method ProcessImage ProcessImage processes a RasterImage containing an MRZ.
Public Method ProcessText Array of strings representing MRZ characters as Lines.
Public Method ResetMRZReader Resets the MRZ Reader.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Bounds A rectangle which represents the Bounds of the MRZ in the processed image.
Public Property Errors Errors Processing MRTD.
Public Property ImproveResults Improve Results.
Public Property Lines An array of MRZ lines of characters.
Public Property OcrEngine Gets or sets the IOcrEngine to be used by an MRTDReader to process an image.
Public Property Results Returns a dictionary representing the results of processing the MRTD document.

See Also

MRTDReader Class

Leadtools.Forms.Commands Namespace

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