Cell Class


Defines a fundamental component in Excel document manipulation, providing a range of methods and properties to manage the content and appearance of individual cells. Includes methods to get and set cell values, formulas, and styles, as well as properties that give information about the cell's content and location in a worksheet.


function lt.Document.SheetEditor.Cell 
class lt.Document.SheetEditor.Cell() 


The Cell class is an integral component of any operation involving workbook sheets as it represents the basic unit of data. Provides flexibility in handling different types of cell values including strings, numbers, booleans, dates, and formulas.

The Cell class provides accessors to get and set cell styles to enable customization of cell appearance, including fonts, colors, and border styles.

The Cell class is commonly used in combination with Sheet and LEADWorkbook classes to create, modify, and read Excel documents.


Target Platforms

See Also

Cell Members

Leadtools.Document.SheetEditor Namespace

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Leadtools.Document.SheetEditor Assembly
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