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public class DataLimitFields
Use this class to control the amount of information returned in server responses. Usually the client does not want all the image information to be returned in single response since this affects delivery time and network bandwidth.
The client can select the number of bytes returned for image information using the DataLength property. In session-based requests the client usually makes additional requests to retrieve the rest of information since the server maintains a client cache model for the information previously sent (to ensure that no redundant data is transmitted). However, in stateless requests the client can still limit the amount of data transmitted in the server response and in future requests it will use the CacheManagementFields fields to update the server cache model.
For more information check the ChannelFields and CacheManagementFields classes.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Jpip;
using Leadtools.Jpip.Caching;
using Leadtools.Jpip.HttpServer;
using Leadtools.Jpip.RequestDecoder;
using Leadtools.Jpip.RequestEncoder;
using Leadtools.Jpip.Client.WinForms;
using Leadtools.Jpip.Client.InteractiveDecoder;
using Leadtools.Jpip.Server;
using Leadtools.Jpip.Logging;
public void SendClientRequest()
RequestFields fields = new RequestFields();
ModelItem cacheModleItem;
ExplicitBinDescriptor binDescriptor;
ModelElement cacheModleElement;
fields.RequestTargetFields = new TargetFields("0", "image1.jp2", null);
fields.RequestChannelFields.NewChannel = new string[] { "http" };
fields.RequestDataLimitFields.DataLength = 16384;
cacheModleItem = new ModelItem();
binDescriptor = new ExplicitBinDescriptor(ExplicitBin.MetaBin, 0, null); //indicate that metadata bin 0 is locally cached and need not be sent.
cacheModleElement = new ModelElement(false, binDescriptor);
cacheModleItem.CodeStreamRange.Add(new Range(0, 0));
ImageReturnType imageType = new ImageReturnType(ImageTypes.JppStream, false);
fields.RequestServerControlFields.ImageReturnTypes = new ImageReturnType[] { imageType };
fields.RequestViewWindowFields.FrameSize = new LeadSize(500, 300);
fields.RequestViewWindowFields.RegionOffset = new LeadPoint(0, 100);
fields.RequestViewWindowFields.FrameSizeRoundingDirection = RoundingDirection.Closest;
SampleRange codeStreamRange = new SampleRange();
codeStreamRange.Range = new Range(0, 0);
HttpRequestEncoder encoder = new HttpRequestEncoder(IPAddress.Parse(""), 108);
HttpWebRequest request = encoder.Encode(fields, "jpip", null);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Console.WriteLine("Server response received.");
public Socket GetClientSocket()
Socket listenSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
IPAddress hostIP = IPAddress.Parse("");
int port = 107;
IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(hostIP, port);
// start listening
//a client should send a request to the listening address
Socket client = listenSocket.Accept();
return client;