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string variable which contains the key of the value to add or replace.
string variable which contains the value to associate with the specified key.
If the method fails, an error is raised. For more information, refer to the Error Codes.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.MediaStreaming;
public Server _server = null;
public bool _result = false;
public void SetApplicationPropertiesExample()
// create an instance of the server object
_server = new Leadtools.MediaStreaming.Server();
// retrieve a copy of the Application Properties object
ApplicationProperties Props = _server.GetApplicationProperties();
// remove any existing values
// set up various user-defined properties
Props.AddString("String", "test string");
Props.AddInteger("Integer", 37);
Props.AddNumber("Number", 3.14);
Props.AddBoolean("Boolean", false);
Props.AddString("Path", "%ltmsRootFolder%\\dummy");
// add a property and delete it
Props.AddString("Temp", "dummy");
// now print them out on a string for demonstration purposes
string strApplicationProperties = "";
string str = Props.GetString("String");
strApplicationProperties += string.Format("String = {0}\n", str);
int n = Props.GetInteger("Integer");
strApplicationProperties += string.Format("Integer = {0}\n", n.ToString());
double dbl = Props.GetNumber("Number");
strApplicationProperties += string.Format("Number = {0}\n", dbl.ToString());
bool boolean = Props.GetBoolean("Boolean");
if (boolean)
strApplicationProperties += "Boolean = true\n";
strApplicationProperties += "Boolean = false\n";
string str = Props.GetResolvedPath("Path");
strApplicationProperties += string.Format("Path = {0}\n", str);
// display a message contains the Application Properties string
MessageBox.Show(strApplicationProperties, "LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Examples", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
// copy the Application Properties to the server
_result = true;
catch (Exception)
_result = false;