public string[] GetEmbeddedFonts(
string fontSavePath,
int jobId
Path of folder to copy fonts to
job id
An array of strings that contain the name of the embedded fonts.
Printing from certain application (like adobe) require some embedded fonts to be present on the machine in order to save the file correctly, using this function the user can get the fonts sent to the printer from printing.
The user can then install, copy, move, and uninstall these fonts.
This function should be used in the JobEvent, and only in the job end stage.
using Leadtools.Printer;
using Leadtools;
public void PrinterDriverNetworkExamples()
networkPrinter = new Printer("Test LEADTOOLS Printer");
// Set network printing enable
networkPrinter.EnableNetworkPrinting = true;
//Check network printing state
bool bNetworkEnabled = networkPrinter.EnableNetworkPrinting;
string strData = "Network Printer Initial Data";
//Set network initial data
//Get network initial data
string strRet = GetNetworkData();
if (strRet != strData)
networkPrinter.JobEvent += new EventHandler<JobEventArgs>(printer_NetworkJobEvent);
void printer_NetworkJobEvent(object sender, JobEventArgs e)
string printerName = e.PrinterName;
int jobID = e.JobID;
if (e.JobEventState == EventState.JobStart)
//get the remote data sent from client
PrintJobData jobData = networkPrinter.RemoteData;
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Job {0} was started with printer {1} from remote client", jobData.PrintJobName, jobData.VirtualPrinterName));
else if (e.JobEventState == EventState.JobEnd)
string[] arrFonts = networkPrinter.GetEmbeddedFonts("C:\\path to save file", e.JobID);
if (arrFonts != null && arrFonts.Length > 0)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} fonts received", arrFonts.Length));
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Job {0} was ended with printer {1}", jobID, printerName));
Printer networkPrinter;
public void SetNetworkData(string strData)
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strData);
//Set initial network data
public string GetNetworkData()
byte[] bytes;
//Get initial network data
bytes = networkPrinter.GetNetworkInitialData();
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);