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TwainSession Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see TwainSession members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Acquire Acquires one or more images from a TWAIN source.
Public Method AcquireFast (Document/Medical only) Acquires one or more images from a TWAIN source and stores the images in the specified file(s).
Public Method AcquireFast2 (Document/Medical only) Acquires one or more images from a TWAIN source and stores the images in the specified file(s).
Public Method AcquireToImage Acquires one image from a TWAIN source.
Public Method FindConfiguration (Document/Medical only) Gets all available configurations for the current session.
Public Method FindFastConfiguration (Document/Medical only) Determines the best scanner configuration.
Public Method GetCapability Gets the TwainCapability value at the specified index from the array of capabilities supported by the selected TWAIN source.
Public Method GetDeviceEventCapability Gets device events capability values for current TWAIN session.
Public Method GetDeviceEventData Gets information for specific device event.
Public Method GetJpegCompression Gets the current or default JPEG compression settings for the TWAIN session.
Public Method GetVersion Gets the TWAIN version currently used by this twain session.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB IsAvailable Determines whether a TWAIN source is installed.
Public Method IsTransferModeAvailable Checks to see if the specific transfer mode is supported by the current TWAIN source.
Public Method LoadTemplateFile Loads the TWAIN capability values stored in the specified template file and sets the selected TWAIN source using these values.
Public Method ModifyRgbResponse Sets the RGB elements to be used when transferring data from the current TWAIN source.
Public Method QueryCapability Gets all of the supported values for the requested capability.
Public Method QueryFileSystem Queries the TWAIN file system.
Public Method QuerySourceInformation Gets information about the available TWAIN Data Sources.
Public Method QuerySupportedCapabilities Gets an array of TWAIN Capabilities supported in the current session.
Public Method ResetDeviceEventCapability Resets CAP_DEVICEEVENT capability to default values.
Public Method SaveCustomDSData Saves the custom data source data to a file.
Public Method SaveTemplateFile Saves a list of capabilities to the specified template file on disk.
Public Method SelectedSourceName Gets the name of the selected TWAIN source. This name is provided by the manufacturer.
Public Method SelectedSourceTwainVersion Gets the TWAIN version of the selected TWAIN source.
Public Method SelectSource Displays the TWAIN dialog box to be used to select a TWAIN source for acquiring images.
Public Method SetCapability Sets the value of the specified capability.
Public Method SetDeviceEventCapability Sets CAP_DEVICEEVENT capability values.
Public Method SetJpegCompression Sets the JPEG compression options for the current TWAIN session. This method lets the user set JPEG compression options for the current TWAIN session or reset the default JPEG compression options for the current TWAIN session, depending on the flag passed to the flag parameter.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB SetVersion Sets the desired TWAIN version with which to work.
Public Method ShowProgressIndicator Enables or disables the display of a progress indicator during the acquisition of images from the current TWAIN source.
Public Method ShowTemplateDialog Displays the TWAIN source manufacturer's template dialog, without actually acquiring an image.
Public Method Shutdown Ends a TWAIN session.
Public Method Startup Initializes the TWAIN session.
Public Method Startup2 Initializes the TWAIN session.
Public Method StopFeeder Stop acquiring images only from the feeder of the TWAIN source.
Public Method UpdateCustomDSData Updates the custom data source.
Public Method UpdateExtraImageInformation Gets the extended image information.

See Also

TwainSession Class

Leadtools.Twain Namespace

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