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ICamera Interface Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see ICamera members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property CameraHeight Gets the camera's preview height.
Public Property CameraWidth Gets the camera's preview width.
Public Property CaptureQuality Gets and sets the CaptureQuality of this ICamera.
Public Property FocusMode Gets and sets focus mode of this ICamera instance.
Public Property FrameRate Gets and sets the framerate of this ICamera instance.
Public Property IsFlashSupported Gets a value that indicates whether the device supports flash.
Public Property IsFocusSupported Gets a value that indicates whether the device supports any focus modes.
Public Property IsRecording Gets a value that indicates whether the device is currently recording video.
Public Property MaxScaleFactor Gets the maximum scaling or zooming factor supported by the device.
Public Property NativeCamera Gets the native camera object initialized by CameraView.
Public Property NumberOfCameras Gets the number of hardware cameras on the device.
Public Property Resolution Gets and sets camera's output resolution.
Public Property ScaleFactor Gets and sets the zoom value for the selected camera.

See Also

ICamera Interface

Leadtools.Camera.Xamarin Namespace

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