DirectShow Example Programs and Demos for Win32/x64

The source code for the following demo programs are installed in separate EXAMPLES subdirectories of the path where you installed your product (<LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>\Examples). You specify the root directory during installation.

The executables are installed in Bin subdirectories (such as C:\LEADTOOLS23\Bin\CDLL\Win32). The executables that are shipped have "_Original" appended to the name. The ones you build do not have that added, so that you can distinguish between the two.

Note: You can run the example programs on your system by clicking the appropriate buttons in the local help. If you try to run an example program that is not on your system, an error message will appear.


Special EXE Utilities

Demo name EXE name Description
ltmmFMgr.exe The "LEADTOOLS Multimedia Filter Manager" utility that allows you to add 3rd party processor filters to the LEADTOOLS Video and Audio Processor categories.
ltmmListFilters.exe The "DirectShow Filter List" utility that allows you to list DirectShow filters, change their merit and obtain information like a filter's CLSID or display name strings. These strings can then be used to programmatically access these filters in your applications.
ltmmFiltersMerits.exe The "LEADTOOLS Directshow Filters Merits" utility that allows you to change various decoder and splitter merits. The utility  will let you control all filters found in your system.
ltmmFilterMerit.exe The "ltmmFilterMerit" is a command line utility for changing the merit of DirectShow filters such as decoders and splitters. This utility can be used to control all filters found in the system.
ltmmWin7PlaybackUtil.exe The "ltmmWin7PlaybackUtil" can be used to disable/enable the default Media Foundation Decoders and Demultiplexers on Windows  7.  Use it to force Microsoft Windows Media Player and Media Center to use the LEAD DirectShow Decoders and Demultiplexers.
MeritSPDIF.exe The "LEADTOOLS MeritSPDIF" utility allows you to enable and disable the LEAD SPDIF Audio Passthru filter in your system.

End-user Applications

Demo name EXE name Description
ltmmNetClient_Original.exe Videoconferencing client end-user application. This application can be licensed for deployment.
ltmmNetServer_Original.exe Videoconferencing server end-user application. This application can be licensed for deployment.


C Demos

Demo name EXE name Description
Capture cCapture_Original.exe Demonstrates the capture and save-to-file capabilities of the Multimedia toolkit, in C.
Player cPlayer_Original.exe Demonstrates how to play files from disk using the Multimedia toolkit, in C.
Convert cConvert_Original.exe Demonstrates the file-to-file conversion capabilities of the Multimedia toolkit, in C.
CnvMem cCnvMem_Original.exe Demonstrates the memory-to-file conversion capabilities of the Multimedia toolkit, in C.
GenAvi cGenAvi_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create a file by generating every frame using the Multimedia toolkit, in C.
ConvertToMobile cConvertToMobile_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create video and audio files that can run on mobile devices like iPod, IPhone , PSP, Zen, Zune , SmartPhones and Windows Phone, in C.
H264Transcoder cH264Transcoder_Original Demonstrates how to transcode an H.264 stream to an ISO format, without performing decoding and re-encoding. This provides a faster conversion method for some formats, in C.

C++ Demos

Demo name EXE name Description
Capture capture_Original.exe Demonstrates the capture and save-to-file capabilities of the Multimedia toolkit, in C++.
Player player_Original.exe Demonstrates the play files from disk capabilities of the Multimedia toolkit, in C++.
Callback callback_Original.exe A simple player demo that demonstrates the use of the Video Callback Filter of the Multimedia toolkit in C++. The Video Callback Filter is inserted automatically as a video processor when the demo starts. You can choose one of the sample effects listed in the "Effects" menu.
Note: You must install the LEADTOOLS Imaging SDK (or higher) to build this demo.
CallbackRender CallbackRender_Original.exe A player demo that demonstrates how to use the Video Callback Filter and the NULL renderer of the Multimedia toolkit to implement your own video rendering using Windows GDI, in C++.
CallbackOpenGLRender CallbackOpenGLRender_Original.exe A demo demonstrating how to use callbacks when rendering with the OpenGL software interface, in C++.
Convert convert_Original.exe Demonstrates the file-to-file conversion capabilities of the Multimedia toolkit, in C++.
CnvMem CNVMEM_Original.exe Demonstrates the  memory-to-file conversion capabilities of the Multimedia toolkit, in C++.
CnvWM cnvwm_Original.exe Shows how to manage Windows Media profiles (creating custom profiles) in the Multimedia toolkit, in C++.
DVR DVR_Original.exe Demonstrates how to capture using ltmmCapture and then use the DVRSink interface to set the DVR buffer folder settings. Also, the ltmmPlay control is used to read from the DVR buffer file.
GenAvi GenAVI_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create a file by generating every frame using the Multimedia toolkit, in C++.
TVViewer tvviewer_Original.exe Demonstrates how to use the IltmmTVTuner interface of the Multimedia toolkit, in C++.
AudioReplace AudioReplace_Original.exe Demonstrates how to change the audio stream in a media file using the capabilities of the convert object of the multimedia toolkit, in C++.
AVDetection AVDetection_Original.exe Demonstrate the usage of the LEAD Audio Detection filter and LEAD Video Motion Detection filter using a live sources for audio and video, in C++.
Callbacka AudCalBk_Original.exe Demonstrates the use of the Audio Callback Filter of the Multimedia toolkit, in C++. The Audio Callback Filter is inserted automatically as an audio processor. The demo shows how to use the audio callback filter to change the volume of the audio stream.
CaptureDICOM CaptureDicom_Original.exe Demonstrates capturing from a live video source to a DICOM file using the capabilities of the multimedia toolkit and the LEAD DICOM Writer Filter, in C++.
CnvDV cnvdv_Original.exe Demonstrates converting media files to the DV format, writing the output directly to the device (DV camera), in C++.
ConcatAndResize ConcatAndResize_Original.exe Demonstrates the joining process of media files of different formats using the capabilities of the multimedia toolkit, in C++. The demo allows resizing of the video streams in addition to providing the ability to choose the audio and video compressors for the output stream.
ConcatSameSize ConcatSameSize_Original.exe Demonstrates the joining process of media files of the same format without recompression, using the capabilities of the multimedia toolkit, in C++.
ConvertLTES ConvertLTES_Original.exe Demonstrates how to use the Elementary Stream filters to convert a file using multiple convert objects, in C++.
DVDAuthor DVDAuthor_Original.exe Demonstrates creating DVD images using the capabilities of the multimedia toolkit (with LEAD DVD Writer), in C++.The source media files can be of any supported format.
DVDBurner DVDBurner_Original.exe Demonstrates burning DVD images and ISO files to DVDs using the capabilities of the LEAD DVD Burner, in C++.
MediaInfo MediaInfo_Original.exe Demonstrates the usage of the media information object of the multimedia toolkit, which provides comprehensive information about all streams in a media file, in C++.
MPEG2Transport MPEG2Transport_Original.exe Demonstrates playback of MPEG-2 Transport files from a file or RTP, UDP or TCP stream. Also shows how to handle KLV metadata, in C++. Additionally, you can control the capture buffering using the new DVR Sink interface.
NetServer NetServer_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create a basic video conferencing server using the capabilities of the multimedia toolkit with the LEADTOOLS Streaming Module, in C++.
NetClient NetClient_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create a basic video conferencing client using the capabilities of the multimedia toolkit with the LEADTOOLS Streaming Module, in C++.
Restreamer Restreamer_Original.exe Demonstrates streaming files to a RTP, UDP or TCP/IP port. The file format can be MPEG-2 Transport or any other format that will be re-compressed to be compatible with MPEG-2 Transport., in C++.
VOverlay VOverlay_Original.exe Demonstrates overlaying images over video using the capabilities of the multimedia toolkit and the LEAD Video Overlay Filter, in C++.Note: The filter has more capabilities than what the demo shows.
ConvertToMobile convertToMobile_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create video and audio files that can run on mobile devices like iPod, IPhone , PSP, Zen, Zune , SmartPhones and Windows Phone, in C++.
ConvertWithMarkers convertWithMarkers_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create MP4 files containing DVD-like chapter markers, in C++.
H264Transcoder H264Transcoder_Original.exe Demonstrates how to transcode an H.264 stream to an ISO format, without performing decoding and re-encoding. This provides a faster conversion method for some formats, in C++.
ConvertKLV convertKLV_Original.exe Demonstrates how to add a user data stream containing KLV metadata to an MPEG-2 Transport stream, in C++.
ConvertMMS convertMMS_Original.exe Demonstrates how to add a user data stream containing KLV metadata to an MPEG-2 Transport stream using Minimal Metadata Set, in C++.
ConvertSSF convertSSF_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create Smooth Streaming Files, in C++.
ConvertWMS convertWMS_Original.exe Demonstrates how to add Script Metadata Streams to a Windows Media file, in C++.
CnvFlash cnvFlash_Original.exe Demonstrates how to convert a file to generate a file compatible with the Flash player, in C++. This type of file is compatible with popular video sites like YouTube.
MetaInfoViewer MetaView_Original.exe Demonstrates how to retrieve meta data for a media file. Meta data includes art work, performers, release date, original DVD titles/chapters, director...etc. All information is retrieved from the web.
Publish Publish_Original.exe Demonstrates how to push data to a Windows Media Server.
RTSPServer RTSPServer_Original.exe Demonstrates streaming files using H264 video and AAC audio compression.

C#.NET Demos

Demo name EXE name Description
DrawOnVideo CSDrawOnVideoDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to draw objects on a video using the Multimedia toolkit and LEAD raster objects, in C#.NET.
DVR csDVRDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to capture using ltmmCapture and then use the DVRSink interface to set the DVR buffer folder settings. Also, the ltmmPlay control is used to read from the DVR buffer file.
MPEG2Transport CSMPEG2TRANSPORTDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates playback of MPEG-2 Transport files from a file or RTP, UDP or TCP stream. Also shows how to handle KLV metadata in C#.NET.
VideoConferencing CSVideoConferencingDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create a basic video conferencing application (server and client) using the capabilities of the multimedia toolkit with the LEADTOOLS Streaming Module, in C#.NET.
ConvertToMobile CSConvertToMobile_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create video and audio files that can run on mobile devices like iPod, IPhone , PSP, Zen, Zune , SmartPhones and Windows Phone, in C#.NET.
H264Transcoder CSH264TranscoderDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to transcode an H.264 stream to an ISO format, without performing decoding and re-encoding. This provides a faster conversion method for some formats in C#.NET.
Capture CSCaptureDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates the capture and save-to-file capabilities of the Multimedia toolkit, in C#.NET.
ConcatSameSize CSConcatSameSizeDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates the joining process of media files of the same format without recompression, using the capabilities of the multimedia toolkit, in C#.NET.
Convert CSConvertDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates the file-to-file conversion capabilities of the Multimedia toolkit, in C#.NET.
ConvertKLV CSConvertKLVDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to add a user data stream containing KLV metadata to a MPEG-2 Transport stream, in C# .NET.
ConvertMMS CSConvertMMSDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to add a user data stream containing KLV metadata to an MPEG-2 Transport stream using Minimal Metadata Set, in C# .NET.
ConvertSSF CSConvertSSFDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create Smooth Streaming Files, in C# .NET.
ConvertWMS CSConvertWMSDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to add Script Metadata Streams to a Windows Media file, in C# .NET.
ConvertToFlash CSConvertToFlashDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to convert a file to generate a file compatible with the Flash player, in C# .NET. This type of file is compatible with popular video sites like YouTube.
ConvertWithMarkers CSconvertWithMarkersDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create MP4 files containing DVD-like chapter markers, in C# .NET.
DVDAuthor CSDVDAuthorDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates creating DVD images using the capabilities of the multimedia toolkit (with LEAD DVD Writer), in C#.NET.The source media files can be of any supported format.
GenerateAVI CSGenerateAviDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to create a file by generating every frame using the Multimedia toolkit, in C#.NET.
Player CSPlayerDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates the play-files-from-disk capabilities of the Multimedia toolkit, in C#.NET.
CallbackA CSAudCalBkDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates the use of the Audio Callback Filter of the Multimedia toolkit, in C#.NET. The Audio Callback Filter is inserted automatically as an audio processor. The demo shows how to use the audio callback filter to change the volume of the audio stream.
CallbackRender CSCallbackRenderDemo_Original.exe A player demo that demonstrates how to use the Video Callback Filter and the NULL renderer of the Multimedia toolkit to implement your own video rendering using Windows GDI, in C# .NET.
MetaInfoViewer CSMetaViewDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to retrieve meta data for a media file. Meta data includes art work, performers, release date, original DVD titles/chapters, director...etc. All information is retrieved from the web.
MultiMachineTranscoding CSMultiMachineTranscodingDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to use the Elementary Stream filters to convert a file using multiple convert objects.
Restreamer CSRestreamerDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates streaming files to a RTP, UDP or TCP/IP port. The file format can be MPEG-2 Transport or any other format that will be re-compressed to be compatible with MPEG-2 Transport.
RTSPServer CSRTSPServer_Original.exe Demonstrates streaming files using H264 video and AAC audio compression.
Publish CSPublishDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates how to push data to a Windows Media Server.
MediaWriter CSMediaWriterMMDemo_Original.exe Demonstrates programmatically burning DVD images and ISO files.

Demos Requiring Special Toolkit Support in Order to Build Demo

Note: The following demos require one of the following toolkits in order to get built:

  • Document Imaging
  • Document Imaging Suite
  • Medical Imaging
  • Medical Imaging Suite
  • PACS Imaging
  • Recognition
Demo name EXE name Description
Callback C# .NET Demo CSCallbackDemo_Original.exe A simple player demo that demonstrates the use of the Video Callback Filter of the Multimedia toolkit, in C#.NET. The Video Callback Filter is inserted automatically as a video processor when the demo starts. You can choose one of the sample effects listed in the "Effects" menu.

See Also


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