Represents recognized word data.
Structure size. It should be equal to sizeof(L_OcrWord).
Gets or sets the word value.
Pointer to L_OcrWord.Buffer, for internal use.
Gets or sets the word coordinates in bitmap coordinates.
Gets or sets the first index of word value in the L_OcrZoneCharacters.Characters.
Gets or sets the last index of word value in the L_OcrZoneCharacters.Characters.
Gets or sets the starting Y coordinate of the actual baseline associated with the word measured from the top edge of the rectangle exactly containing the word.
Gets or sets the ending Y coordinate of the actual baseline associated with the word measured from the top edge of the rectangle exactly containing the word.
You can get the recognized words of a zone with the L_OcrPage_GetZoneWords method. This is a helper method that iterate through the L_OcrCharacter array of the zone and constructs the words based on the L_OcrCharacter.Positions flags.
You can modify the OCR recognition results by updating page recognized characters you retrieved via a call to L_OcrPage_GetRecognizedCharacters and after you finish updating page characters you can call L_OcrPage_SetRecognizedCharacters before optionally saving the results to the final output document.
This structure is used inside L_OcrWords structure which in turn is used with the following functions: