

The L_SvgTextData structure contains the data of a text element.


struct L_SvgTextData 
   L_UINT StructSize; 
   L_UINT Length; // Number of items 
   L_TCHAR* Text; // 'Length' of Characters 
   L_RECTD* Bounds; // 'Length' of Bounds (for each character) 
   L_SvgTextCharacterFlags* CharacterFlags; // 'Length' of CharacterFlags (for each character) 
   L_SvgCharacterDirection* Directions; // 'Length' of Directions (for each character) 
   L_INT OcrZoneIndex; // Index of the OCR zone containing the text if this SVG document was obtained through OCR 
   L_INT OcrCharacterIndex; // Index of the first OCR character in the text if this SVG document was obtained through OCR 
typedef struct L_SvgTextData L_SvgTextData; 


L_UINT StructSize

Size of this structure. Use sizeof (L_SvgTextData).

L_UINT Length

Number of characters.


The text as a string. Default value is NULL.

L_RECTD* Bounds

The bounding rectangles of each character in the text. Default value is NULL.

Refer to L_SvgSortElements for more information.

L_SvgTextCharacterFlags* CharacterFlags

The position flags for each character in the text. Default value is NULL.

Refer to L_SvgSortElements for more information.

L_SvgCharacterDirection* Directions

The direction of each character in the text. Default value is NULL.

Refer to L_SvgSortElements for more information.

L_INT OcrZoneIndex

0-based index of the OCR zone containing the text if this SVG document was obtained through OCR. Otherwise, ignored. This member is valid only if CharacterFlags contains L_SvgTextCharacterFlags_FromOcr.

L_INT OcrCharacterIndex

0-based index of the first OCR character in the text if this SVG document was obtained through OCR. Otherwise, ignored. This member is valid only if CharacterFlags contains L_SvgTextCharacterFlags_FromOcr.


Contains the data of a text element.

Refer to L_SvgSortElements for more information.


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