The LEADTOOLS C++ Class Library is a wrapper to the LEADTOOLS C API and provides only a subset of the features and functionality otherwise available in the LEADTOOLS C API. For more information about the full feature set of the LEADTOOLS C API, refer to LEADTOOLS C API Introduction.
L_IccUInt32Number uNameRecordsCount;
L_IccUInt32Number uNameRecordSize;
pICC_NAME_RECORD pNameRecordsData;
L_UINT16 *pUnicodeCharacters;
The ICC_MULTI_LOCALIZED_UNICODE structure is used to save MultiLocalizedUnicodeType tag data.
A value that represents the number of name records in the buffer pointed to by pNameRecordsData.
A value that represents the length, in bytes, of each name record in the buffer pointed to by pNameRecordsData.
Pointer to an ICC_NAME_RECORD structure that contains name record data.
Pointer to a buffer of UNICODE characters.