Enables hit-testing and invoking the default behavior when the user clicks and drags on the control point thumbs of this edit designer.
true to enable hit-testing and invoking the default behavior when the user clicks and drags on the control point thumbs of this edit designer; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
Each edit designer uses one or more thumb control points that the user can click to perform the default behavior. For instance, the AnnRectangleEditDesigner shows thumbs on the rectangle's corners to allow the user to click and drag to resize the object.
This default behavior occurs when the value of ThumbsEnabled is true (the default value).
To only show the thumbs but render them in-active, set the value of ThumbsEnabled to false. Doing so will render the thumbs on the screen when the object is selected, but the thumbs will not respond to user clicks. The result is that drag-only operations on objects are permitted while still showing that the object is selected.