Any errors occurred when this job is run.
A list of DocumentConverterJobError objects that contain detailed information on any errors that may have occurred when this job is run.
The Errors will contain detail information on what caused the job to fail (or partially succeed). The value of Status will be DocumentConverterJobStatus.Aborted or DocumentConverterJobStatus.SuccessWithErrors in this situation.
If the value of DocumentConverterOptions.JobErrorMode was DocumentConverterJobErrorMode.Continue when this job is run, then none critical errors can be logged and running continues. For example, if a source document has a page that could not be recognized by OCR. The offending page will be added to the final document as a graphics images and recognition will continue to the next page. In this mode, the engine will not throw an exception if an error occur, instead, all errors will be logged into the job's Errors collection. When recognition finishes, you can check if this collection is not empty and get the information of the errors and act upon them according to your application logic.