GetPatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRows |
Returns the child PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
GetPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRows |
Returns the child PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
GetPerformedSeriesSequenceRows |
Returns the child PerformedSeriesSequenceRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
GetPPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRows |
Returns the child PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
GetPPSRelationshipRows |
Returns the child PPSRelationshipRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
GetProcedureCodeSequenceRows |
Returns the child ProcedureCodeSequenceRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
IsCommentsonthePerformedProcedureStepNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.CommentsonthePerformedProcedureStepColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedLocationNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedLocationColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedProcedureStepDescriptionNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepDescriptionColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedProcedureStepEndDateNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepEndDateColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedProcedureStepEndTimeNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepEndTimeColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedProcedureTypeDescriptionNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureTypeDescriptionColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedStationNameNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedStationNameColumn contains a null value. |
IsStudyIDNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.StudyIDColumn contains a null value. |
SetCommentsonthePerformedProcedureStepNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.CommentsonthePerformedProcedureStepColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedLocationNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedLocationColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedProcedureStepDescriptionNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepDescriptionColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedProcedureStepEndDateNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepEndDateColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedProcedureStepEndTimeNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepEndTimeColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedProcedureTypeDescriptionNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureTypeDescriptionColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedStationNameNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedStationNameColumn to a null value. |
SetStudyIDNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.StudyIDColumn to a null value. |