When working with digital paint automation, specific properties as well as the background color can be set or retrieved using the following functions:
The LEADTOOLS Digital Paint tools let you manipulate the following attributes:
Paintbrush characteristics
Shape characteristics
Region characteristics
Fill characteristics
Text characteristics
Each set of characteristics given above has several properties that can be set. This lets the user fine-tune the output. Use the L_AutSetPaintProperty function to set the properties. To retrieve the current settings for the properties, use the L_AutGetPaintProperty function. The following example shows how to manipulate the Shape properties:
/* this example shows how to change the paint shape properties */
L_INT SetPaintShapePropsTest(pAUTOMATIONHANDLE pAutomation)
if (SUCCESS == L_AutIsValid(pAutomation)) /* check the validity of the automation handle */
/* set the paint shape group properties */
L_AutGetPaintProperty(pAutomation, PAINT_GROUP_SHAPE, &shape);
/* make some changes to the required properties */
if (SHAPE_BORDER_STYLE_SOLID == shape.nBorderStyle)
/* set the desired shape properties using the field masks */
shape.nSize = sizeof(PAINTSHAPE);
shape.dwMask = PSF_BORDERSTYLE |
shape.nBorderStyle = SHAPE_BORDER_STYLE_DOT;
shape.nBorderWidth = 10;
/*set the paint shape group properties */
L_AutSetPaintProperty(pAutomation, PAINT_GROUP_SHAPE, &shape);
return SUCCESS;
return FAILURE;
For more examples showing the use of digital paint automation, refer to Paint Automation Tutorials.
When the user cuts or deletes some region from a bitmap, an exposed area is left behind This area will be filled by the paint background color, set by the function L_AutSetPaintBkColor. To determine the current paint background color, call L_AutGetPaintBkColor. The following example shows how to retrieve and set the paint background color:
/* This example will make sure that the BK is not anything but black */
L_INT StickToBalck(pAUTOMATIONHANDLE pAutomation)
if (SUCCESS == L_AutIsValid(pAutomation)) /* check the validity of the automation handle */
/* get the current paint automation color */
L_AutGetPaintBkColor(pAutomation, &crBkColor);
if (crBkColor != RGB(0, 0, 0)) /* check if its not black */
/* set the paint automation background color */
L_AutSetPaintBkColor(pAutomation, RGB(0, 0, 0));
return SUCCESS;
return FAILURE;