API Reference Overview

The LEADTOOLS Cloud Services API was designed to be as flexible as possible—allowing developers to queue up and process multiple service requests for a file. The workflow for the API can be broken into 2 separate scenarios: Queuing and Single Service Processing.


For queuing, you will need to first send a request to the UploadFile service call. This will return a GUID that is used by the Conversion and Recognition services to queue up requests. Requests will queue based on the order in which they arrive. Once you are done queuing up requests, you will need to make a request to the Run method, which will mark the uploaded file for processing.

Single Service Processing

For Single Service Processing, you simply need to make a call to any of the Conversion or Recognition methods, and provide a valid file for processing. The file can be passed to the service as Multipart content of the HTTP Request, or by providing a URL to the image.

To check on the status of your file, you can call the Query method.

The following precedence is used to determine how a request will be handled:

Guid > ImageUrl > HTTP Multipart Content

If a Guid is provided with the request, the API will attempt to queue the Service Call. If the GUID is not valid, or if the file has already been processed, the request will fail.

If a Guid is not provided with the request, the API will first check to see if a URL was provided. If one is present, then the URL's validity will be checked. If the URL is not valid, then the request will fail.

If the request does not include a Guid or a URL, then the API will determine if the file has been embedded as Multipart Content in the request. If no content has been provided, then the request will fail.

File Limitations

Files that are sent to the LEADTOOLS Cloud Services API will be verified according to the criteria in the following list. If a file fails one of the criteria, it will be rejected.

See Also



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