The following tables list the members exposed by AnnAutomationManager.
Public Constructors
Name | Description | |
AnnAutomationManager | Initializes a new instance of the AnnAutomationManager class |
Public Methods
Name | Description | |
Create | Creates a new instance of AnnAutomationManager with the specified rendering engine. | |
CreateDefaultObjects | Creates the default automation annotation objects. | |
FindObject | Finds the AnnAutomationObject for a specified AnnObject | |
FindObjectById | Finds the specified AnnAutomationObject by id. | |
LoadPackage | Loads the automation objects from the specified package. |
Public Properties
Name | Description | |
Automations | Gets the collection of AnnAutomation objects in this AnnAutomationManager. | |
CancelInactiveDesigners | A value indicating whether any designers in an AnnAutomation are automatically canceled when the automation becomes inactive. | |
CurrentObjectId | Gets or sets the current automation object ID. | |
CurrentRubberStampType | Gets or sets the current automation rubber stamp object type. | |
DeselectOnDown | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to de-select any objects as soon as the user clicks down with the cursor or taps using touch on the container outside of its boundaries. | |
EditContentAfterDraw | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the EditContent event should occur automatically after the designer has successfully finished drawing a new object. | |
EditObjectAfterDraw | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether newly drawn objects are selected (edited). | |
EditTextAfterDraw | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the EditText event should occur automatically after the designer has successfully finished drawing a new text object. | |
EnableDeselectObject | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether clicking on an already selected object while the MultiSelectModifierKey is pressed should de-select it. | |
EnableObjectsAlignment | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether you can align selected objects based on one of them. | |
EnablePartialDrop | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to allow partial drop of annotation objects between multiple containers. | |
EnableThumbsSelection | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether clicking on any of the thumbs of the objects automatically starts editing. | |
EnableToolTip | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether firing the ToolTip event is enabled. | |
EndDrawWhenLostFocus | Gets or sets a value indicating whether any designers in an AnnAutomation are automatically canceled when the automation loses focus. | |
EndEditDesignerBeforeDraw | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to end the current edit designer when the user starts drawing a new object. | |
ExtendedModeModifierKey | Gets or sets the extended mode modifier key. | |
FontRelativeToImageDpi | Indicates whether to take image DPI in consideration when calculating font size. | |
ForceSelectionModifierKey | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can draw the selection object only when one of its key modifiers is pressed. | |
GroupsRoles | Gets or sets the AnnGroupsRoles associated with this automation manager. | |
HitTestBehavior | Gets or sets a value that determines how objects are hit-tested through a selection rectangle. | |
MaintainAspectRatio | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve the aspect ratio when moving a corner thumb for all AnnEditDesigner derived classes. | |
MultiSelectModifierKey | Gets or sets the multi-select modifier key. | |
Objects | Gets the collection of AnnAutomationObject objects in this AnnAutomationManager. | |
PlatformCallbacks | Gets the platform-specific callbacks for this automation manager. | |
RedactionRealizePassword | Gets or sets the password to use to perform realization of AnnRedactionObject objects. | |
RenderingEngine | Gets or sets the rendering engine associated with this AnnAutomationManager. | |
Resources | Gets or sets the annotations resources used by all containers used with this automation manager. | |
RestrictDesigners | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object should be restricted to be inside the container boundary. | |
RotateModifierKey | Gets or sets the rotate modifier key. | |
RunHitTestBuffer | Gets or sets the hit test buffer for all AnnRunDesigner derived classes. | |
SelectionModifierKey | Gets or sets the value of the modifier key that must be pressed in order for the user to start drawing the selection object. | |
ShowThumbs | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the thumbs. | |
SnapToGridOptions | Gets or sets the default AnnSnapToGridOptions of this AnnAutomationManager. | |
ThumbsGap | Gets or sets a value that indicates which thumbs to display in a polyline object. | |
ThumbsHitTestBuffer | Gets or sets the hit test buffer for all AnnEditDesigner derived classes. | |
UseFreehandSelection | Indicates whether to use free hand selection. | |
UsePDFMode | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a PDF document is being edited. | |
UserMode | Gets or sets the current user mode. | |
UseRotateThumbs | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the rotation thumbs when an object is selected. |
Public Events
Name | Description | |
CurrentObjectIdChanged | Occurs when the value of the CurrentObjectId property changes. | |
CurrentRubberStampTypeChanged | Occurs when the value of the CurrentRubberStampType property changes. | |
UserModeChanged | Occurs when the value of the UserMode property changes |
See Also