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IAnnBatesElement Interface

Defines an interface with properties and methods for representing Bates stamp elements.
public interface IAnnBatesElement 
Public Interface IAnnBatesElement  
   interface class IAnnBatesElement abstract 

This example creates different Bates stamp elements and sets their properties.

using Leadtools.Annotations.BatesStamp; 
public void IAnnBateElement_IAnnBateElement() 
	//The base interface for all bates stamp elements 
	IAnnBatesElement baseElement = null; 
	//Create AnnBatesDateTime element and set its properties 
	AnnBatesDateTime dateTimeElement = new AnnBatesDateTime(); 
	dateTimeElement.CurrentDateTime = DateTime.Now; 
	dateTimeElement.Kind = AnnDateTimeKind.Local; 
	dateTimeElement.Format = "M/d/yy"; 
	baseElement = dateTimeElement; 
	//print the content of this dateTimeElement 
	//Create AnnBatesNumber element and set its properties 
	AnnBatesNumber numberElement = new AnnBatesNumber(); 
	numberElement.NumberOfDigits = 4; 
	numberElement.PrefixText = "PrefixTest"; 
	numberElement.StartNumber = 5; 
	numberElement.SuffixText = "SuffixTest"; 
	numberElement.UseAllDigits = true; 
	numberElement.AutoIncrement = true; 
	baseElement = numberElement; 
	//print the content of this numberElement 
	Debug.WriteLine(baseElement.AsString()); //  the output will be "PrefixTest0005SuffixTest" 
	//Create AnnBatesText element 
	AnnBatesText textElement = AnnBatesText.Create("This is text"); 
	baseElement = textElement; 
	//print the content of this textElement 
	Debug.WriteLine(baseElement.AsString()); //  the output will be "This is text" 
Imports Leadtools.Annotations.Engine 
Imports Leadtools.Annotations.BatesStamp 
Imports LeadtoolsExamples.Common 
Public Sub IAnnBateElement_IAnnBateElement() 
   'The base interface for all Bates stamp elements 
   Dim baseElement As IAnnBatesElement = Nothing 
   'Create AnnBatesDateTime element and set its properties 
   Dim dateTimeElement As AnnBatesDateTime = New AnnBatesDateTime() 
   dateTimeElement.CurrentDateTime = DateTime.Now 
   dateTimeElement.Kind = AnnDateTimeKind.Local 
   dateTimeElement.Format = "M/d/yy" 
   baseElement = dateTimeElement 
   'print the content of this dateTimeElement 
   'Create AnnBatesNumber element and set its properties 
   Dim numberElement As AnnBatesNumber = New AnnBatesNumber() 
   numberElement.NumberOfDigits = 4 
   numberElement.PrefixText = "PrefixTest" 
   numberElement.StartNumber = 5 
   numberElement.SuffixText = "SuffixTest" 
   numberElement.UseAllDigits = True 
   numberElement.AutoIncrement = True 
   baseElement = numberElement 
   'print the content of this numberElement 
   Debug.WriteLine(baseElement.AsString()) ' the output will be "PrefixTest0005SuffixTest" 
   'Create AnnBatesText element 
   Dim textElement As AnnBatesText = AnnBatesText.Create("This is text") 
   baseElement = textElement 
   'print the content of this textElement 
   Debug.WriteLine(baseElement.AsString()) ' the output will be "This is text" 
End Sub 

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Leadtools.Annotations.BatesStamp Assembly
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