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AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property ClipRectangle Gets the current clipping rectangle for this AnnRenderingEngine. (Inherited from AnnRenderingEngine)
Public Property Container Gets the AnnContainer associated with this AnnRenderingEngine. (Inherited from AnnRenderingEngine)
Public Property static  | Shared in VB ContainerLabelRenderer Gets the renderer used to render the container labels. (Inherited from AnnRenderingEngine)
Public Property Context Gets the destination graphics context object to use when rendering the annotation objects.
Public Property LoadingPictureFill Gets or sets the object to use for filling the background of the loading picture placeholder rectangle. (Inherited from AnnRenderingEngine)
Public Property LoadingPictureStroke Gets or sets the object to use for stroking the border of the loading picture placeholder rectangle. (Inherited from AnnRenderingEngine)
Public Property Renderers Gets or sets the list of available AnnRenderingEngines. (Inherited from AnnRenderingEngine)
Public Property RenderState Gets or sets the states parts of the annotation objects to render. (Inherited from AnnRenderingEngine)
Public Property Resources Gets or sets the default resources for this AnnRenderingEngine. (Inherited from AnnRenderingEngine)
Public Property SnapToGridOptions Gets or sets the default AnnSnapToGridOptions. (Inherited from AnnRenderingEngine)
Public Property Stateless Gets a value that indicate whether this rendering engine is stateless. (Inherited from AnnRenderingEngine)

See Also


AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine Class

Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering Namespace

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