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CodecsPdfSaveOptions Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see CodecsPdfSaveOptions members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AssembleDocument Enables or disables document assembly.
Public Property ExtractText Enables or disables text copying.
Public Property ExtractTextGraphics Enables or disables graphics copying.
Public Property FillForm Enables or disables form filling.
Public Property Linearized Creates a PDF document that is optimized for fast web viewing.
Public Property LowMemoryUsage Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use less memory when creating a PDF file with JPEG or Fax compression.
Public Property ModifyAnnotation Enables or disables annotation editing.
Public Property ModifyDocument Enables or disables editing.
Public Property OwnerPassword Gets or sets the owner password to use when saving encrypted files.
Public Property PrintDocument Enables or disables printing.
Public Property PrintFaithful Enables or disables high-quality printing.
Public Property SavePdfA Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PDF file should be saved as PDF/A-1b.
Public Property SavePdfv13 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PDF file should be saved as PDF v1.3.
Public Property SavePdfv14 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PDF file should be saved as PDF v1.4.
Public Property SavePdfv15 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PDF file should be saved as PDF v1.5.
Public Property SavePdfv16 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PDF file should be saved as PDF v1.6.
Public Property SavePdfv17 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PDF file should be saved as PDF v1.7.
Public Property TextEncoding Gets or sets the text encoding to use.
Public Property Use128BitEncryption Gets or sets a value which control the type of encryption to use.
Public Property UseImageResolution Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the image resolution (DPI) in calculating page dimensions when saving a PDF file.
Public Property UserPassword Gets or sets the user password to use when saving encrypted files.
Public Property Version Gets or sets a value indicating the version of the PDF file saved by this RasterCodecs object.

See Also


CodecsPdfSaveOptions Class

Leadtools.Codecs Namespace

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