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DicomContextGroupTable Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DicomContextGroupTable.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Default Restores the specified Context Group to the default values as stored in the internal table maintained by LEADTOOLS.
Public Method Delete Deletes the specified Context Group from the Context Group Table.
Public Method DeleteCodedConcept Deletes the specified Coded Concept from the Context Group to which it belongs.
Public Method Exists Determines whether DicomContextGroup object that specifies a Context Group in the Context Group Table is valid or not.
Public Method ExistsCodedConcept Determines whether the specified pointer is valid: that is, whether it points to a DicomCodedConcept object that specifies a Coded Concept that exists in one of the Context Groups in the Context Group Table.
Public Method Find Returns a DicomContextGroup object to the Context Group in the Context Group Table that has the specified Context Identifier (CID).
Public Method FindCodedConcept Returns the Coded Concept, in the specified Context Group, which has the specified Coding Scheme Designator and Code Value.
Public Method FindCodedConceptByIndex Returns the Coded Concept at the specified index in the specified Context Group.
Public Method FindIndex Returns a DicomContextGroup object to the Context Group located at the specified index in the Context Group Table.
Public Method GetCodedConceptCount Returns the number of Coded Concepts in the specified Context Group.
Public Method GetContextGroup Returns the Context Group in the Context Group Table to which the specified Coded Concept belongs.
Public Method GetFirst Returns a DicomContextGroup object to the first Context Group in the Context Group Table.
Public Method GetFirstCodedConcept Returns the first Coded Concept in the specified Context Group.
Public Method GetLast Returns a DicomContextGroup object to the last Context Group in the Context Group Table.
Public Method GetLastCodedConcept Returns the last Coded Concept in the specified Context Group.
Public Method GetNext Returns a DicomContextGroup object to the Context Group in the Context Group Table that immediately follows the specified Context Group.
Public Method GetNextCodedConcept Returns the Coded Concept in the same Context Group that immediately follows the specified Coded Concept.
Public Method GetPrevious Returns a DicomContextGroup object to the Context Group in the Context Group Table that immediately precedes the specified Context Group.
Public Method GetPreviousCodedConcept Returns the Coded Concept in the same Context Group that immediately precedes the specified Coded Concept.
Public Method Insert Adds a new Context Group to the Context Group Table.
Public Method InsertCodedConcept Adds a new Coded Concept to the specified Context Group.
Public Method Load Loads the specified Context Group from the internal table into the Context Group Table.
Public Method LoadXml Loads the context groups contained in file into the internal DICOM context group table
Public Method Reset Deletes all the Context Groups from the Context Group Table.
Public Method SetCodeMeaning Sets the Code Meaning (0008,0104) for the specified Coded Concept.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Count Returns the number of Context Groups in the Context Group Table.
Public Property static  | Shared in VB Instance Gets an instance of the DicomContextGroupTable, which provides functionality for working with a table of Context Groups.

See Also


DicomContextGroupTable Class

Leadtools.Dicom Namespace

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