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Leadtools.Document.Analytics Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Document Analytics classes.

Class Description
Class ActionElement Defines an action to be run after the document analyzer has finished inspecting the document.
Class ActionElementSet Collection of ActionElement objects.
Class DataReader Represents a data reader that can handle reading and executing an Element.
Class DocumentAnalyzer Class that organizes the operations to load and execute document analysis steps.
Class DocumentAnalyzerRunOptions Group of run options, used when calling DocumentAnalyzer.Run().
Class Element Base class that describes the data to be processed by the DocumentAnalyzer.
Class ElementResult Holds the results of an Element processed by the DocumentAnalyzer.
Class ElementSet Defines a set of elements that work together to perform an analysis task.
Class ElementSetFeature This class describes the feature, version and types supported, typically used to get readers' capabilities.
Class ElementSetResult Holds the collective results of a document analyzer run.
Class ElementSetResultExtensions Helper class with debug helper functions.
Class HighlightAction Represents the actions to be taken to perform document highlighting.
Class RedactAction This class describes the actions to be taken to perform document redaction.
Class TextResult Indicates a class of information that was detected, this is a class of text information.
Help Version 21.0.2021.7.2
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Leadtools.Document.Analytics Assembly
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