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StatusJobData Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see StatusJobData members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Abort Aborts this job.
Public Property AnnotationsMode Annotation conversion options.
Public Property DocumentConverter Document converter to use with this job.
Public Property DocumentConverterOptions Document converter options to use with this job.
Public Property DocumentFormat Output format to use for document conversion.
Public Property DocumentWriterOptions Options for the document writer to use with this job.
Public Property ErrorMessages Any error messages occurred during the conversion.
Public Property InputCache Cache containing the input document.
Public Property InputCacheConfiguration Configuration of the cache containing the input document.
Public Property InputDocumentFirstPageNumber Number of the first page to be converted from the input document
Public Property InputDocumentId ID of the input document to convert.
Public Property InputDocumentLastPageNumber Number of the last page to be converted from the input document
Public Property InputDocumentUserToken User token associated with the input document.
Public Property IsCompleted Checks whether the conversion job has finished.
Public Property JobCompletedTimestamp Indicates the timestamp when this job has completed.
Public Property JobName Optional job name.
Public Property JobStartedTimestamp Indicates the timestamp when this job started.
Public Property JobStatus Final job status.
Public Property JobStatusMessage Current status message.
Public Property JobStatusPageNumber The page number currently being converted.
Public Property JobStatusTimestamp Indicates the timestamp this job was last queried.
Public Property JobToken Job token associated with this job.
Public Property OcrEngineName Name of the OCR engine to use with the conversion.
Public Property OcrEngineSettings Setting for the OCR engine to use during the conversion.
Public Property OcrEngineStartupParameters Startup parameters to use with the OCR engine during the conversion.
Public Property OutputCache Cache that will contain the output document.
Public Property OutputCacheConfiguration Configuration of the cache that will contain the output document.
Public Property OutputCacheItemPolicy The policy to use when storing the output document in the cache.
Public Property OutputCachePolicy Serialized policy as a string to use when storing the output document in the cache.
Public Property OutputDocumentId ID of the output document generated by this conversion job.
Public Property OutputDocumentName Name of the output document generated by this conversion job.
Public Property OutputDocumentUri URL to the output document in the cache.
Public Property QueryJobStatusTimestamp Indicates the timestamp this job status has been queried.
Public Property RasterImageBitsPerPixel Bits per pixel to use for the output document when raster conversion is used.
Public Property RasterImageFormat Output format to use for raster conversion.
Public Property StatusCache Cache to use for storing the status of the job.
Public Property StatusCacheConfiguration Configuration of the cache to use for storing the status of the job.
Public Property StatusCacheItemPolicy Policy to use when storing status items in the cache.
Public Property StatusCachePolicy Policy serialized as a string to use when storing status items in the cache.
Public Property UserData User defined data.
Public Property UserToken User token associated with this job.

See Also


StatusJobData Class

Leadtools.Document.Converter Namespace

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