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UnstructuredDataReader Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by UnstructuredDataReader.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor UnstructuredDataReader Initializes a new instance of UnstructuredDataReader.

Protected Constructors

Name Description
Protected Constructor DataReader Initializes a new instance of DataReader. (Inherited from DataReader)

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method CanRead Checks if the reader can handle the specified type of IElementSet.This is an extension function. (Inherited from DataReader)
Public Method Dispose Disposes of the object and releases resources.
Public Method GetSupportedFeatures Returns a list of features this reader can read and execute.
Public Method Reset Prepares the reader for another set of elements for processing.
Public Method Run Runs an IElementSet on a document object and returns the results of the analysis.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Id Gets the unique identifier of the object. (Inherited from DataReader)

See Also


UnstructuredDataReader Class

Leadtools.Document.Unstructured Namespace

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