The following tables list the members exposed by DocumentViewerCommands.
Public Methods
Name | Description | |
CanRun | Checks whether a command can run with the specified optional value. | |
GetCommand | Command with the specified name. | |
IsSlow | Checks if running a command will be slow with the specified value. | |
Run | Runs a command with the specified value. | |
RunAsync | Runs a command that returns a value asynchronously with the specified value. |
Public Properties
Name | Description | |
DocumentViewer | Owner document viewer. |
Public Fields
Name | Description | |
AnnotationsAntiAlias | Enable/Disable anti-alias rendering for annotations command "Annotations.AntiAlias" | |
AnnotationsBringToFirst | Bring the selected annotation objects to the front of the z-order command "Annotations.BringToFirst" | |
AnnotationsBringToFront | Bring the selected annotation objects up in the z-order command "Annotations.BringToFront" | |
AnnotationsClearSelection | Un-select all annotation objects in the page command "Annotations.ClearSelection" | |
AnnotationsCopy | Copy selected annotation objects to the clipboard command "Annotations.Copy" | |
AnnotationsCut | Cut selected annotation objects to the clipboard command "Annotations.Cut" | |
AnnotationsDelete | Delete selected annotation objects command "Annotations.Delete" | |
AnnotationsEnableToolTips | Enable/Disable firing the tooltip annotation event command "Annotations.EnableToolTips" | |
AnnotationsFlip | Flip the selected annotation objects vertically command "Annotations.Flip" | |
AnnotationsGroup | Group the selected annotation objects command "Annotations.Group" | |
AnnotationsLock | Lock the selected annotation objects with a password command "Annotations.Lock" | |
AnnotationsPaste | Paste annotation objects from the clipboard command "Annotations.Paste" | |
AnnotationsProperties | Show the properties dialog for the selected annotation objects command "Annotations.Properties" | |
AnnotationsRedo | Redo last annotations operation command "Annotations.Redo" | |
AnnotationsRenderOnThumbnails | Enable/Disable rendering the annotations on the thumbnails command "Annotations.RenderOnThumbnails" | |
AnnotationsResetRotatePoints | Reset the rotation points location of the selected annotation objects command "Annotations.ResetRotatePoints" | |
AnnotationsReverse | Flip the selected annotation objects horizontally command "Annotations.Reverse" | |
AnnotationsSelectAll | Select all annotation objects in the page command "Annotations.SelectAll" | |
AnnotationsSendToBack | Send the selected annotation objects down in the z-order command "Annotations.SendToBack" | |
AnnotationsSendToLast | Send the selected annotation objects to the back of the z-order command "Annotations.SendToLast" | |
AnnotationsUndo | Undo last annotations operation command "Annotations.Undo" | |
AnnotationsUngroup | Ungroup the selected annotation objects command "Annotations.Ungroup" | |
AnnotationsUnlock | Unlock the selected selected annotation objects with a password command "Annotations.Unlock" | |
AnnotationsUserModeDesign | Set annotation user mode to design command "Annotations.UserModeDesign" | |
AnnotationsUserModeRender | Set annotation user mode to render command "Annotations.UserModeRender" | |
AnnotationsUserModeRun | Set annotation user mode to run command "Annotations.UserModeRun" | |
AnnotationsUseRotateThumbs | Enable/Disable showing the annotation rotation thumbs command "Annotations.UseRotateThumbs" | |
InteractiveAutoPan | Enable/Disable auto pan interactive command "Interactive.AutoPan" | |
InteractiveMagnifyGlass | Set interactive mode to magnify glass command "Interactive.MagnifyGlass" | |
InteractivePan | Set interactive mode to pan command "Interactive.Pan" | |
InteractivePanZoom | Set interactive mode to pan zoom command "Interactive.PanZoom" | |
InteractiveRubberBand | Set interactive mode to the generic rubber band command "Interactive.RubberBand" | |
InteractiveSelectText | Set interactive mode to select text command "Interactive.SelectText" | |
InteractiveZoom | Set interactive mode to zoom command "Interactive.Zoom" | |
InteractiveZoomTo | Set interactive mode to zoom to command "Interactive.ZoomTo" | |
LayoutDouble | Set view layout to double vertical command "Layout.Double" | |
LayoutHorizontal | Set view layout to horizontal command "Layout.Horizontal" | |
LayoutSingle | Set view layout to single command "Layout.Single" | |
LayoutVertical | Set view layout to vertical command "Layout.Vertical" | |
PageDisable | Marks the specified page(s) as disabled. | |
PageEnable | Marks the specified page(s) as enabled. | |
PageFirst | Go to first page command "Page.First" | |
PageGoto | Go to a specific page command "Page.GoTo" | |
PageLast | Go to last page command "Page.Last" | |
PageNext | Go to next page command "Page.Next" | |
PagePrevious | Go to previous page command "Page.Previous" | |
PageRotateClockwise | Rotates clockwise the specified page(s). | |
PageRotateCounterClockwise | Rotates counter-clockwise the specified page(s). | |
TextClearSelection | Clear text selection command "Text.ClearSelection" | |
TextCopy | Copy selected text command "Text.Copy" | |
TextExport | Export the text command "Text.Export" | |
TextFindNext | Find next occurance of text command "Text.FindNext" | |
TextFindPrevious | Find previous occurance of text command "Text.FindPrevious" | |
TextGet | Get the text for page(s) from the document command "Text.Get" | |
TextSelectAll | Select all text command "Text.SelectAll" | |
ViewActualSize | Show actual size in the view command "View.ActualSize" | |
ViewFitPage | Fit the view by page command "View.FitPage" | |
ViewFitWidth | Fit the view by page width command "View.FitWidth" | |
ViewItemType | Set the view item type command "View.ItemType" | |
ViewRotateClockwise | Rotate the view clockwise by 90 degrees command "View.RotateClockwise" | |
ViewRotateCounterClockwise | Rotate the view counter clockwise by 90 degrees command "View.RotateCounterClockwise" | |
ViewZoomIn | Zoom the view in command "View.ZoomIn" | |
ViewZoomOut | Zoom the view out command "View.ZoomOut" | |
ViewZoomPercentage | Zoom the view by a percentage command "View.ZoomPercentage" |
See Also