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DocumentViewerCommands Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DocumentViewerCommands.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method CanRun Checks whether a command can run with the specified optional value.
Public Method GetCommand Command with the specified name.
Public Method IsSlow Checks if running a command will be slow with the specified value.
Public Method Run Runs a command with the specified value.
Public Method RunAsync Runs a command that returns a value asynchronously with the specified value.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property DocumentViewer Owner document viewer.

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field AnnotationsAntiAlias Enable/Disable anti-alias rendering for annotations command "Annotations.AntiAlias"
Public Field AnnotationsBringToFirst Bring the selected annotation objects to the front of the z-order command "Annotations.BringToFirst"
Public Field AnnotationsBringToFront Bring the selected annotation objects up in the z-order command "Annotations.BringToFront"
Public Field AnnotationsClearSelection Un-select all annotation objects in the page command "Annotations.ClearSelection"
Public Field AnnotationsCopy Copy selected annotation objects to the clipboard command "Annotations.Copy"
Public Field AnnotationsCut Cut selected annotation objects to the clipboard command "Annotations.Cut"
Public Field AnnotationsDelete Delete selected annotation objects command "Annotations.Delete"
Public Field AnnotationsEnableToolTips Enable/Disable firing the tooltip annotation event command "Annotations.EnableToolTips"
Public Field AnnotationsFlip Flip the selected annotation objects vertically command "Annotations.Flip"
Public Field AnnotationsGroup Group the selected annotation objects command "Annotations.Group"
Public Field AnnotationsLock Lock the selected annotation objects with a password command "Annotations.Lock"
Public Field AnnotationsPaste Paste annotation objects from the clipboard command "Annotations.Paste"
Public Field AnnotationsProperties Show the properties dialog for the selected annotation objects command "Annotations.Properties"
Public Field AnnotationsRedo Redo last annotations operation command "Annotations.Redo"
Public Field AnnotationsRenderOnThumbnails Enable/Disable rendering the annotations on the thumbnails command "Annotations.RenderOnThumbnails"
Public Field AnnotationsResetRotatePoints Reset the rotation points location of the selected annotation objects command "Annotations.ResetRotatePoints"
Public Field AnnotationsReverse Flip the selected annotation objects horizontally command "Annotations.Reverse"
Public Field AnnotationsSelectAll Select all annotation objects in the page command "Annotations.SelectAll"
Public Field AnnotationsSendToBack Send the selected annotation objects down in the z-order command "Annotations.SendToBack"
Public Field AnnotationsSendToLast Send the selected annotation objects to the back of the z-order command "Annotations.SendToLast"
Public Field AnnotationsUndo Undo last annotations operation command "Annotations.Undo"
Public Field AnnotationsUngroup Ungroup the selected annotation objects command "Annotations.Ungroup"
Public Field AnnotationsUnlock Unlock the selected selected annotation objects with a password command "Annotations.Unlock"
Public Field AnnotationsUserModeDesign Set annotation user mode to design command "Annotations.UserModeDesign"
Public Field AnnotationsUserModeRender Set annotation user mode to render command "Annotations.UserModeRender"
Public Field AnnotationsUserModeRun Set annotation user mode to run command "Annotations.UserModeRun"
Public Field AnnotationsUseRotateThumbs Enable/Disable showing the annotation rotation thumbs command "Annotations.UseRotateThumbs"
Public Field InteractiveAutoPan Enable/Disable auto pan interactive command "Interactive.AutoPan"
Public Field InteractiveMagnifyGlass Set interactive mode to magnify glass command "Interactive.MagnifyGlass"
Public Field InteractivePan Set interactive mode to pan command "Interactive.Pan"
Public Field InteractivePanZoom Set interactive mode to pan zoom command "Interactive.PanZoom"
Public Field InteractiveRubberBand Set interactive mode to the generic rubber band command "Interactive.RubberBand"
Public Field InteractiveSelectText Set interactive mode to select text command "Interactive.SelectText"
Public Field InteractiveZoom Set interactive mode to zoom command "Interactive.Zoom"
Public Field InteractiveZoomTo Set interactive mode to zoom to command "Interactive.ZoomTo"
Public Field LayoutDouble Set view layout to double vertical command "Layout.Double"
Public Field LayoutHorizontal Set view layout to horizontal command "Layout.Horizontal"
Public Field LayoutSingle Set view layout to single command "Layout.Single"
Public Field LayoutVertical Set view layout to vertical command "Layout.Vertical"
Public Field PageDisable Marks the specified page(s) as disabled.
Public Field PageEnable Marks the specified page(s) as enabled.
Public Field PageFirst Go to first page command "Page.First"
Public Field PageGoto Go to a specific page command "Page.GoTo"
Public Field PageLast Go to last page command "Page.Last"
Public Field PageNext Go to next page command "Page.Next"
Public Field PagePrevious Go to previous page command "Page.Previous"
Public Field PageRotateClockwise Rotates clockwise the specified page(s).
Public Field PageRotateCounterClockwise Rotates counter-clockwise the specified page(s).
Public Field TextClearSelection Clear text selection command "Text.ClearSelection"
Public Field TextCopy Copy selected text command "Text.Copy"
Public Field TextExport Export the text command "Text.Export"
Public Field TextFindNext Find next occurance of text command "Text.FindNext"
Public Field TextFindPrevious Find previous occurance of text command "Text.FindPrevious"
Public Field TextGet Get the text for page(s) from the document command "Text.Get"
Public Field TextSelectAll Select all text command "Text.SelectAll"
Public Field ViewActualSize Show actual size in the view command "View.ActualSize"
Public Field ViewFitPage Fit the view by page command "View.FitPage"
Public Field ViewFitWidth Fit the view by page width command "View.FitWidth"
Public Field ViewItemType Set the view item type command "View.ItemType"
Public Field ViewRotateClockwise Rotate the view clockwise by 90 degrees command "View.RotateClockwise"
Public Field ViewRotateCounterClockwise Rotate the view counter clockwise by 90 degrees command "View.RotateCounterClockwise"
Public Field ViewZoomIn Zoom the view in command "View.ZoomIn"
Public Field ViewZoomOut Zoom the view out command "View.ZoomOut"
Public Field ViewZoomPercentage Zoom the view by a percentage command "View.ZoomPercentage"

See Also


DocumentViewerCommands Class

Leadtools.Document.Viewer Namespace

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