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DiskMasterFormsCategory Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DiskMasterFormsCategory.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddChildCategory Adds a new sub-category (child category) to this category on both the local disk and in ChildCategories.
Public Method AddMasterForm Adds a new Master Form to this category in both the local disk and MasterForms.
Public Method Clear Removes all Master Forms in MasterForms and all child categories from ChildCategories and deletes them all from the local disk.
Public Method DeleteChildCategory Removes the first appearance of the specified category object from ChildCategories and deletes it from the local disk.
Public Method DeleteMasterForm Removes the first appearance of the specified Master Form object from MasterForms and deletes it from the local disk.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property ChildCategories Gets a collection of child categories that this category contains.
Public Property ChildCategoriesCount Returns the number of categories contained in ChildCategories.
Public Property MasterForms Gets a collection of Master Forms in this category.
Public Property MasterFormsCount Returns the number of categories contained in MasterForms.
Public Property Name Returns the category name.
Public Property Parent Gets the parent of the DiskMasterFormsCategory object.
Public Property Path Gets the path of this category on the local disk.
Public Property Repository Gets the DiskMasterFormsRepository to which this DiskMasterFormsCategory belongs.

See Also


DiskMasterFormsCategory Class

Leadtools.Forms.Auto Namespace

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