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OcrSupportLockedExceptionType Enumeration

The type of support (feature) needing to be unlocked that caused the error.
public enum OcrSupportLockedExceptionType 
Public Enum OcrSupportLockedExceptionType  
public enum OcrSupportLockedExceptionType 
public enum class OcrSupportLockedExceptionType   
0Ocr OCR support is required to use this feature.
1Icr ICR (handprint) support is required to use this feature.
2Omr OMR support is required to use this feature.
3Pdf PDF support is required to use this feature (When saving a document using the LEADTOOLS Document Writers, refer to IOcrDocument.Save.
4PdfA (Deprecated) Do not use.
5OcrOmniPageArabic LEADTOOLS OCR Module - OmniPage Engine with Additional Languages support is required to use this feature.
6EnginePdf PDF support is required to use this feature (When saving a document using the engine native support, refer to IOcrDocumentManager.EngineFormat.
7OcrOmniPageAsian LEADTOOLS OCR Module - OmniPage Engine Asian support is required to use this feature.

Various parts of the LEADTOOLS OCR toolkit are locked by a specific key. When using these features without first unlocking the specified feature, an exception of type OcrSupportLockedException will be thrown. You can examine the OcrSupportLockedException.SupportType property to determine which unlock support feature is required.

The following table lists the action required when an error of type OcrSupportLockedException is thrown:

Engine type OcrSupportLockedException.SupportType value Action required
LEADTOOLS OCR Module - OmniPage Engine (OcrEngineType.OmniPage) OcrSupportLockedExceptionType.Ocr Unlock RasterSupportType.OcrOmniPage
LEADTOOLS OCR Module - OmniPage Engine (OcrEngineType.OmniPage) OcrSupportLockedExceptionType.Icr Unlock RasterSupportType.IcrOmniPage
LEADTOOLS OCR Module - OmniPage Engine (OcrEngineType.OmniPage) OcrSupportLockedExceptionType.Omr Unlock RasterSupportType.Omr
LEADTOOLS OCR Module - OmniPage Engine (OcrEngineType.OmniPage) OcrSupportLockedExceptionType.Pdf Unlock RasterSupportType.OcrOmniPagePdfOutput
LEADTOOLS OCR Module - OmniPage Engine (OcrEngineType.OmniPage) OcrSupportLockedExceptionType.PdfA Unlock RasterSupportType.OcrOmniPagePdfOutput
LEADTOOLS OCR Module - LEAD Engine (OcrEngineType.LEAD) OcrSupportLockedExceptionType.Ocr Unlock RasterSupportType.OcrLEAD
LEADTOOLS OCR Module - LEAD Engine (OcrEngineType.LEAD) OcrSupportLockedExceptionType.Pdf Unlock RasterSupportType.OcrLEADPdfOutput
LEADTOOLS OCR Module - LEAD Engine (OcrEngineType.LEAD) OcrSupportLockedExceptionType.PdfA Unlock RasterSupportType.OcrLEADPdfOutput

Note at this time, LEADTOOLS OCR Module - LEAD Engine (OcrEngineType.LEAD) is not supported.

For more information on feature support and how to obtain the unlock keys, refer to Unlocking Special LEAD Features, RasterSupport and RasterSupportType.


For an example, refer to OcrException.


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