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AnnProtractorObject Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnProtractorObject members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property acute Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to mark the inside (acute) or outside (obtuse) angle for this AnnProtractorObject object.
Public Property anglePrecision Gets or sets the precision value used for the angle of this AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property angularUnit Gets or sets the angular unit of the angle of this protractor.
Public Property angularUnitsAbbreviation Gets or sets a string value that specifies the abbreviation used with the AnnAngularUnit value.
Public Property arcRadius Gets or sets the arc radius of this AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property centerPoint Gets or sets the value for the center point of this AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property firstPoint Gets or sets the value for the first point of this AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property friendlyName Gets the friendly name for AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property secondPoint Gets or sets the value for the second point of this AnnProtractorObject.
Public Property showArc Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to view the protractor arc for thisAnnProtractorObject.
Public Property supportsBorderStyle Indicates whether AnnProtractorObject supports a border style.
Public Property supportsFill Indicates if this object supports a fill.

See Also


AnnProtractorObject Class

Leadtools.Annotations.Engine Namespace

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