dPI Property


The virtual DPI (dots per inch) of printed pages.

Object.defineProperty(PrintDocumentOptions.prototype, 'dpi', 
	get: function(), 
	set: function(value) 
dpi: number; 

Property Value

The desired DPI of printed pages. Cannot be less than 1. The default value is 96.


DPI cannot be 100% accurate for any browser, as exact formulas for converting a screen pixel to printed page length cannot be known. Instead, all provided DPI values will enlargen the printed image page by a factor relative to the default dpi of 96.

The calculated size of the image with DPI taken into account is available from the result DocumentPrintPageData.PrintSizeDpi.

This value can be used with UsePDFClientRendering if ClientRenderSizePixels maintains its default value of 0. This value is used to request the page image with a specific width and height from the service.

Dpi has no effect on printed annotations.

For more information, refer to DocumentViewer.Print.

Added. Prior to this version, DPI was a fixed 96.
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