A Leadtools.Jpip.ResponseFields object containing the JPIP fields received from the server.
The DataBinInfo object representing the data-bin received from the server.
An Leadtools.Jpip.EOR value representing the reason for the end of this server response.
User custom state object.
The first time this delegate is called, the dataBin object will be null, the endOfResponseReason assigned to .None, and the fields object will contain the JPIP fields returned from the server.
In subsequent calls to this delegate, the fields object will be null and the dataBin will contain the data-bin received from the server.
In the last call to this delegate, a Leadtools.Jpip.EOR value will be assigned to the endOfResponseReason parameter as read by the server response, and the dataBin and fields parameters will be null.
For an example, refer to JpipClient.