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JpipRasterImageViewer Class Events


For a list of all members of this type, see JpipRasterImageViewer members

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event CodeStreamRequest Event that occurs when a requested codestream status is updated.
Public Event DataLoaded Event that occurs when an image or meta data is being loaded, to report data type information.
Public Event FileOpened Event that occurs when an image is successfully opened.
Public Event ImageSet Event that occurs when an image is loaded into the viewer.
Public Event ProgressStatusUpdated Event that occurs to update the current status of the control.
Public Event ResolutionChanged Event that occurs when a loaded image resolution change.
Public Event StreamingError Event that occurs when an error happens in one of the System.Windows.Forms.Control events.
Public Event TotalBytesLoaded Event that occurs when an image or meta data is being loaded, to report the total number of bytes being loaded.

See Also


JpipRasterImageViewer Class

Leadtools.Jpip.Client.WinForms Namespace

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