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WorkstationFeatures Class Fields


For a list of all members of this type, see WorkstationFeatures members

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field AngleFeatureId The feature key for performing Angle.
Public Field AnimationFeatureId The feature key for performing Animation.
Public Field ArrowFeatureId The feature key for performing Arrow.
Public Field AutoWindowLevelFeatureId The feature key for performing AutoWindowLevel.
Public Field CalibrateRulerFeatureId The feature key for performing CalibrateRuler.
Public Field ChangeAnnotationColor The feature key for performing ChangeAnnotationColor.
Public Field ChangeReferenceLineColorFeatureId The feature key for performing ChangeReferenceLineColor.
Public Field ChangeTextAnnotationForecolor The feature key for performing ChangeTextAnnotationForecolor.
Public Field ChangeVolumeToMinMIPFeatureId The feature key for performing MinMIP.
Public Field ChangeVolumeToMIPFeatureId The feature key for performing MIP.
Public Field ChangeVolumeToMPRFeatureId The feature key for performing MPR.
Public Field ChangeVolumeToSSDFeatureId The feature key for performing SSD.
Public Field ChangeVolumeToVRTFeatureId The feature key for performing VRT.
Public Field ClearAllRegionsFeatureId The feature key for performing ClearAllRegions.
Public Field ClearRegionFeatureId The feature key for performing ClearRegion.
Public Field CopyFeatureId The feature key for performing Copy.
Public Field Create3DVolumeFeatureId The feature key for performing Create3DVolume.
Public Field CustomizeWindowLevelFeatureId The feature key for performing CustomizeWindowLevel.
Public Field DeleteAllPresentationStateFeatureId The feature key for performing DeleteAllPresentationState.
Public Field DeleteAnnotation The feature key for performing DeleteAnnotation.
Public Field DeleteCell The feature key for performing DeleteCell.
Public Field DeletePresentationStateFeatureId The feature key for performing DeletePresentationState.
Public Field DeleteSeries The feature key for performing DeleteSeries.
Public Field DeleteStudy The feature key for performing DeleteStudy.
Public Field DisplayWithOverviewModeFeatureId The feature key for performing DisplayWithOverviewMode.
Public Field DoubleCutPlaneFeatureId The feature key for performing DoubleCutPlane.
Public Field EllipseFeatureId The feature key for performing Ellipse.
Public Field EllipseRegionFeatureId The feature key for performing EllipseRegion.
Public Field FitToCellFeatureId The feature key for performing FitToCell.
Public Field FlipFeatureId The feature key for performing Flip.
Public Field FreeHandFeatureId The feature key for performing FreeHand.
Public Field HilightFeatureId The feature key for performing Hilight.
Public Field ImagesLayoutSelectorFeatureId The feature key for performing ImagesLayoutSelector.
Public Field InvertFeatureId The feature key for performing Invert.
Public Field IsoThresholdFeatureId The feature key for performing IsoThreshold.
Public Field LinkImagesFeatureId The feature key for performing LinkImages.
Public Field LoadAnnMeasureFeatureId The feature key for performing LoadAnnMeasure.
Public Field LoadVolumeFeatureId The feature key for performing LoadVolume.
Public Field MagicWandFeatureId The feature key for performing MagicWand.
Public Field MagnifyGlassFeatureId The feature key for performing MagnifyGlass.
Public Field OneToOneFeatureId The feature key for performing OneToOne.
Public Field PanFeatureId The feature key for performing Pan.
Public Field PanoramicRightClickActiveParaxialColor The feature key for the right-click menu item that is used to change the active paraxial color.
Public Field PanoramicRightClickCreateParaxialCell The feature key for the right-click menu item that is used to create a paraxial cell.
Public Field PanoramicRightClickDeleteParaxialCell The feature key for the right-click menu item that is used to delete a paraxial cell.
Public Field PanoramicRightClickDeletePoint The feature key for the right-click menu item that is used to delete a panoramic polygon point.
Public Field PanoramicRightClickDeletePolygon The feature key for the right-click menu item that is used to delete a panoramic polygon.
Public Field PanoramicRightClickInsertPoint The feature key for the right-click menu item that is used to insert a new point to the panoramic polygon.
Public Field PanoramicRightClickParaxialLineColor The feature key for the right-click menu item that is used to change the paraxial line color that is drawn on the panoramic polygon.
Public Field PanoramicRightClickPolygonColor The feature key for the right-click menu item that is used to change the color of the panoramic polygon.
Public Field PanoramicStripFeatureId The feature key that opens the property page for the panormic polygon.
Public Field PanWindowFeatureId The feature key for performing PanWindow.
Public Field PolyRulerFeatureId The feature key for performing PolyRuler.
Public Field PrintFeatureId The feature key for performing Print.
Public Field RectangleFeatureId The feature key for performing Rectangle.
Public Field RectangleRegionFeatureId The feature key for performing RectangleRegion.
Public Field ResetOrientationFeatureId The feature key for performing ResetOrientation.
Public Field ResetVolumeFeatureId The feature key for performing ResetVolume.
Public Field ReverseFeatureId The feature key for performing Reverse.
Public Field Rotate3DFeatureId The feature key for performing Rotate3D.
Public Field RotateClockwiseFeatureId The feature key for performing RotateClockwise.
Public Field RotateCounterclockwise90FeatureId The feature key for performing RotateCounterclockwise90.
Public Field RulerFeatureId The feature key for performing Ruler.
Public Field SaveAnnMeasureFeatureId The feature key for performing SaveAnnMeasure.
Public Field SaveFeatureId The feature key for performing Save.
Public Field ScrollPageDown The feature key for performing ScrollPageDown.
Public Field ScrollPageUp The feature key for performing ScrollPageUp.
Public Field ScrollToBottom The feature key for performing ScrollToBottom.
Public Field ScrollToTop The feature key for performing ScrollToTop.
Public Field Selection The feature key for performing Selection.
Public Field SelectViewerCells The feature key for performing SelectViewerCells.
Public Field SeriesLayoutSelectorFeatureId The feature key for performing SeriesLayoutSelector.
Public Field SeriesModeFeatureId The feature key for performing SeriesMode.
Public Field ShowSeriesBrowserFeatureId The feature key for performing ShowSeriesBrowser.
Public Field SingleCutPlaneFeatureId The feature key for performing SingleCutPlane.
Public Field StackModeFeatureId The feature key for performing StackMode.
Public Field StoreVolumeFeatureId The feature key for performing StoreVolume.
Public Field StoreVolumeStateFeatureId The feature key for performing StoreVolumeState.
Public Field StudiesTimelineFeatureId The feature key for performing StudiesTimeline.
Public Field StudyLayoutSelectorFeatureId The feature key for performing StudyLayoutSelector.
Public Field TextFeatureId The feature key for performing Text.
Public Field TimelineGroupSeries The feature key for performing TimelineGroupSeries.
Public Field TimelineGroupStudies The feature key for performing TimelineGroupStudies.
Public Field TimelineLoadSelected The feature key for performing TimelineLoadSelected.
Public Field TimelineOrientationHorizontal The feature key for performing TimelineOrientationHorizontal.
Public Field TimelineOrientationVertical The feature key for performing TimelineOrientationVertical.
Public Field ToggleMPRCrossLine The feature key for performing ToggleMPRCrossLineCommand.
Public Field ToggleReferenceLineFeatureId The feature key for performing ToggleReferenceLine.
Public Field ToggleSlabRectangle The feature key for performing ToggleSlabRectangle.
Public Field ToggleTagsFeatureId The feature key for performing ToggleTags.
Public Field UpdateWindowLevelInformation The feature key for performing UpdateWindowLevelInformation.
Public Field ViewDicomTagsFeatureId The feature key for performing ViewDicomTags.
Public Field WindowLevelPresetFeatureId The feature key for performing WindowLevelPreset.
Public Field ZoomIn2xFeatureId The feature key for performing ZoomIn2.
Public Field ZoomIn3xFeatureId The feature key for performing ZoomIn3x.
Public Field ZoomIn4xFeatureId The feature key for performing ZoomIn4x.
Public Field ZoomIn5xFeatureId The feature key for performing ZoomIn5x.
Public Field ZoomOut2xFeatureId The feature key for performing ZoomOut2x.
Public Field ZoomOut3xFeatureId The feature key for performing ZoomOut3x.
Public Field ZoomOut4xFeatureId The feature key for performing ZoomOut4x.
Public Field ZoomOut5xFeatureId The feature key for performing ZoomOut5x.

See Also


WorkstationFeatures Class

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace

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