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MediaCreationDbDataAccessAgent Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by MediaCreationDbDataAccessAgent.

Protected Constructors

Name Description
Protected Constructor MediaCreationDbDataAccessAgent Initializes a new instance of this class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddMediaObject Stores a media object into the data store.
Public Method DeleteMediaLocation Deletes the location of the provided media objects.
Public Method DeleteMediaObject Deletes a media object from the data store.
Public Method FindMediaLocation Queries for the location of created media objects.
Public Method FindMediaObjects Queries for media objects that match the provided media object.
Public Method GetMediaObject Gets a media object.
Public Method GetStatusUpdateDate Gets the date and time when the media object status was last updated.
Public Method InsertMediaLocation Inserts the media locations to the data store.
Public Method UpdateMediaLocation Updates the existing media locations in the data store.
Public Method UpdateMediaObjectRequest Updates the request information for an existing media object.
Public Method UpdateMediaObjectStatus Updates the status information for an existent media object.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method CreateDatabaseProvider Creates a database provider for connecting and working with the Media Creation Management database.
Protected Method PrepareDeleteMediaObjectsCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which deletes media objets.
Protected Method PrepareDeleteMediaPathCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which deletes media location.
Protected Method PrepareFindMediaObjectFailedCompositeAttributesCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which returns the columns from the "Failed Composite Attributes" Table.
Protected Method PrepareFindMediaObjectFailedCompositeInstancesCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which returns the columns from the "Failed Composite Instances" Table.
Protected Method PrepareFindMediaObjectInformationCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which returns the columns from the "Media Information" Table.
Protected Method PrepareFindMediaObjectReferencedCompositeInstancesCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which returns the columns from the "Referenced Composite Instances" Table.
Protected Method PrepareFindMediaObjectReferencedMediaStorageCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which returns the columns from the "Referenced Media Storage" Table.
Protected Method PrepareGetStatusUpdateDateCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which returns the "StatusUpdateDate" colume from the "Media Information" table.
Protected Method PrepareInsertMediaObjectFailedCompositeAttributesCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which inserts information in the "Failed Composite Attributes" table.
Protected Method PrepareInsertMediaObjectFailedCompositeInstancesCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which inserts information in the "Failed Composite Instances" table.
Protected Method PrepareInsertMediaObjectInfomrationCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which inserts information in the "Media Information" table.
Protected Method PrepareInsertMediaObjectReferencedCompositeInstancesCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which inserts information in the "Referenced Composite Instances" table.
Protected Method PrepareInsertMediaPathCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which inserts information in the "Media Location" table.
Protected Method PrepareInsertReferencedMediaStorage Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which inserts information in the "Referenced Media Storage" table.
Protected Method PrepareQueryMediaPathCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which query for the media location from the "Media Location" Table.
Protected Method PrepareUpdateMediaObjectInformationStatusCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which updates the Media object status information.
Protected Method PrepareUpdateMediaObjectRequestCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which updates the Media object request information.
Protected Method PrepareUpdateMediaPathCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which updates the Media object creation path.
Protected Method PrepareUpdateStatusUpdateDateCommand Initializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand which updates the status update date for a media object.

Protected Properties

Name Description
Protected Property DataProvider Gets the database provider for connecting and working with the Media Creation Management database.

See Also


MediaCreationDbDataAccessAgent Class

Leadtools.Medical.Media.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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