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public enum ErrorCode
Value | Member | Description |
0x80000002 | E_OUTOFMEMORY | Insufficient memory. |
0x80000003 | E_INVALIDARG | Argument is invalid. |
0x80004001 | E_NOTIMPL | Method is not supported. |
0x80004003 | E_POINTER | NULL pointer argument. |
0x80004005 | E_FAIL | Failure. |
0x8000FFFF | E_UNEXPECTED | Unexpected error. |
0x80030003 | STG_E_PATHNOTFOUND | Path not found. |
0x80040200 | VFW_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE | The specified media type is invalid. |
0x80040201 | VFW_E_INVALIDSUBTYPE | The Specified media subtype is invalid. |
0x80040202 | VFW_E_NEED_OWNER | This object can only be created as an aggregated object. |
0x80040203 | VFW_E_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC | The state of the enumerated object has changed and is now inconsistent with the state of the enumerator. Discard any data obtained from previous calls to the enumerator and then update the enumerator by calling the enumerator's Reset method. |
0x80040204 | VFW_E_ALREADY_CONNECTED | At least one of the pins involved in the operation is already connected. |
0x80040205 | VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE | The Operation cannot be performed because the filter is active. |
0x80040206 | VFW_E_NO_TYPES | One of the specified pins does not support media types. |
0x80040207 | VFW_E_NO_ACCEPTABLE_TYPES | No common media type between these pins. |
0x80040208 | VFW_E_INVALID_DIRECTION | Two pins of the same direction cannot be connected. |
0x80040209 | VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED | Operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected. |
0x8004020A | VFW_E_NO_ALLOCATOR | No sample buffer allocator is available. |
0x8004020B | VFW_E_RUNTIME_ERROR | A run-time error occurred. |
0x8004020C | VFW_E_BUFFER_NOTSET | No buffer space has been set. |
0x8004020D | VFW_E_BUFFER_OVERFLOW | The buffer is not big enough. |
0x8004020E | VFW_E_BADALIGN | An invalid alignment was specified. |
0x8004020F | VFW_E_ALREADY_COMMITTED | Cannot change allocated memory while the filter is active. |
0x80040210 | VFW_E_BUFFERS_OUTSTANDING | One or more buffers are still active. |
0x80040211 | VFW_E_NOT_COMMITTED | Cannot allocate a sample when the allocator is not active. |
0x80040212 | VFW_E_SIZENOTSET | Cannot allocate memory because no size has been set. |
0x80040213 | VFW_E_NO_CLOCK | Cannot lock for synchronization because no clock has been defined. |
0x80040214 | VFW_E_NO_SINK | Quality messages could not be sent because no quality sink has been defined. |
0x80040215 | VFW_E_NO_INTERFACE | A required interface has not been implemented. |
0x80040216 | VFW_E_NOT_FOUND | An object or name was not found. |
0x80040217 | VFW_E_CANNOT_CONNECT | No combination of intermediate filters could be found to make the connection. |
0x80040218 | VFW_E_CANNOT_RENDER | No combination of filters could be found to render the stream. |
0x80040219 | VFW_E_CHANGING_FORMAT | Could not change formats dynamically. |
0x8004021A | VFW_E_NO_COLOR_KEY_SET | No color key has been set. |
0x8004021B | VFW_E_NOT_OVERLAY_CONNECTION | Current pin connection is not using the IOverlay transport. |
0x8004021C | VFW_E_NOT_SAMPLE_CONNECTION | Current pin connection is not using the IMemInputPin transport. |
0x8004021D | VFW_E_PALETTE_SET | Setting a color key would conflict with the palette already set. |
0x8004021E | VFW_E_COLOR_KEY_SET | Setting a palette would conflict with the color key already set. |
0x8004021F | VFW_E_NO_COLOR_KEY_FOUND | No matching color key is available. |
0x80040220 | VFW_E_NO_PALETTE_AVAILABLE | No palette is available. |
0x80040221 | VFW_E_NO_DISPLAY_PALETTE | Display does not use a palette. |
0x80040222 | VFW_E_TOO_MANY_COLORS | Too many colors for the current display settings. |
0x80040223 | VFW_E_STATE_CHANGED | The state changed while waiting to process the sample. |
0x80040224 | VFW_E_NOT_STOPPED | The operation could not be performed because the filter has not stopped. |
0x80040225 | VFW_E_NOT_PAUSED | The operation could not be performed because the filter has not paused. |
0x80040226 | VFW_E_NOT_RUNNING | The operation could not be performed because the filter is not running. |
0x80040227 | VFW_E_WRONG_STATE | The operation could not be performed because the filter is in the wrong state. |
0x80040228 | VFW_E_START_TIME_AFTER_END | The sample start time is after the sample end time. |
0x80040229 | VFW_E_INVALID_RECT | The supplied rectangle is invalid. |
0x8004022A | VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED | This pin cannot use the supplied media type. |
0x8004022B | VFW_E_SAMPLE_REJECTED | This sample cannot be rendered. |
0x8004022C | VFW_E_SAMPLE_REJECTED_EOS | This sample cannot be rendered because the end of the stream has been reached. |
0x8004022D | VFW_E_DUPLICATE_NAME | An attempt to add a filter with a duplicate name failed. |
0x8004022E | VFW_E_TIMEOUT | A time-out has expired. |
0x8004022F | VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT | The file format is invalid. |
0x80040230 | VFW_E_ENUM_OUT_OF_RANGE | The list has already been exhausted. |
0x80040231 | VFW_E_CIRCULAR_GRAPH | The filter graph is circular. |
0x80040232 | VFW_E_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_SAVE | Updates are not allowed in this state. |
0x80040233 | VFW_E_TIME_ALREADY_PASSED | An attempt was made to queue a command for a time in the past. |
0x80040234 | VFW_E_ALREADY_CANCELLED | The queued command was already canceled. |
0x80040235 | VFW_E_CORRUPT_GRAPH_FILE | Cannot render the file because it is corrupt. |
0x80040236 | VFW_E_ADVISE_ALREADY_SET | An IOverlay advise link already exists. |
0x80040238 | VFW_E_NO_MODEX_AVAILABLE | No full-screen modes are available. |
0x80040239 | VFW_E_NO_ADVISE_SET | This advise cannot be canceled because it was not successfully set. |
0x8004023A | VFW_E_NO_FULLSCREEN | Full-screen mode is not available. |
0x8004023B | VFW_E_IN_FULLSCREEN_MODE | Cannot call IVideoWindow methods while in full-screen mode. |
0x80040240 | VFW_E_UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE | The media type of this file is not recognized. |
0x80040241 | VFW_E_CANNOT_LOAD_SOURCE_FILTER | The source filter for this file could not be loaded. |
0x80040243 | VFW_E_FILE_TOO_SHORT | A file appeared to be incomplete. |
0x80040244 | VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_VERSION | The file's version number is invalid. |
0x80040247 | VFW_E_INVALID_CLSID | This file is corrupt: it contains an invalid class identifier. |
0x80040248 | VFW_E_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE | This file is corrupt: it contains an invalid media type. |
0x80040249 | VFW_E_SAMPLE_TIME_NOT_SET | No time stamp has been set for this sample. |
0x80040251 | VFW_E_MEDIA_TIME_NOT_SET | No media time was set for this sample. |
0x80040252 | VFW_E_NO_TIME_FORMAT_SET | No media time format was selected. |
0x80040253 | VFW_E_MONO_AUDIO_HW | Cannot change balance because the audio device is monaural only. |
0x80040255 | VFW_E_NO_DECOMPRESSOR | Cannot play back the video stream: Could not find a suitable decompressor. |
0x80040256 | VFW_E_NO_AUDIO_HARDWARE | Cannot play back the audio stream: No audio hardware is available, or the hardware is not supported. |
0x80040259 | VFW_E_RPZA | Cannot play back the video stream: Format 'RPZA' is not supported. |
0x8004025B | VFW_E_PROCESSOR_NOT_SUITABLE | DirectShow cannot play MPEG movies on this processor. |
0x8004025C | VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO | Cannot play back the audio stream: the audio format is not supported. |
0x8004025D | VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_VIDEO | Cannot play back the video stream: the video format is not supported. |
0x8004025E | VFW_E_MPEG_NOT_CONSTRAINED | DirectShow cannot play this video stream because it falls outside the constrained standard. |
0x8004025F | VFW_E_NOT_IN_GRAPH | Cannot perform the requested function on an object that is not in the filter graph. |
0x80040261 | VFW_E_NO_TIME_FORMAT | Cannot access the time format on an object. |
0x80040262 | VFW_E_READ_ONLY | Could not make the connection because the stream is read-only and the filter alters the data. |
0x80040264 | VFW_E_BUFFER_UNDERFLOW | The buffer is not full enough. |
0x80040265 | VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_STREAM | Cannot play back the file: the format is not supported. |
0x80040266 | VFW_E_NO_TRANSPORT | Pins cannot connect because they don't support the same transport. |
0x80040269 | VFW_E_BAD_VIDEOCD | The Video CD can not be read correctly by the device or the data is corrupt. |
0x80040270 | VFW_S_NO_STOP_TIME | The sample had a start time but not a stop time. In this case, the stop time that is returned is set to the start time plus one. |
0x80040271 | VFW_E_OUT_OF_VIDEO_MEMORY | There is not enough video memory at this display resolution and number of colors. Reducing resolution might help. |
0x80040272 | VFW_E_VP_NEGOTIATION_FAILED | The video port connection negotiation process has failed. |
0x80040273 | VFW_E_DDRAW_CAPS_NOT_SUITABLE | Either Microsoft DirectDraw has not been installed or the video card capabilities are not suitable. Make sure the display is not in 16-color mode. |
0x80040274 | VFW_E_NO_VP_HARDWARE | No video port hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding. |
0x80040275 | VFW_E_NO_CAPTURE_HARDWARE | No capture hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding. |
0x80040276 | VFW_E_DVD_OPERATION_INHIBITED | This user operation is inhibited by DVD content at this time. |
0x80040277 | VFW_E_DVD_INVALIDDOMAIN | This operation is not permitted in the current domain. |
0x80040278 | VFW_E_DVD_NO_BUTTON | The Requested button is not available. |
0x80040279 | VFW_E_DVD_GRAPHNOTREADY | A DVD-Video playback graph has not been built yet. |
0x8004027A | VFW_E_DVD_RENDERFAIL | DVD-Video playback graph building failed. |
0x8004027B | VFW_E_DVD_DECNOTENOUGH | A DVD-Video playback graph could not be built due to insufficient decoders. |
0x8004028B | VFW_E_DVD_NOT_IN_KARAOKE_MODE | The DVD Navigator is not in karaoke mode. |
0x8004028E | VFW_E_FRAME_STEP_UNSUPPORTED | Frame stepping is not supported. |
0x80040293 | VFW_E_PIN_ALREADY_BLOCKED_ON_THIS_THREAD | Pin is already blocked on the calling thread. |
0x80040294 | VFW_E_PIN_ALREADY_BLOCKED | Pin is already blocked on another thread. |
0x80040295 | VFW_E_CERTIFICATION_FAILURE | Use of this filter is restricted by a software key. The application must unlock the filter. |
0x800403F2 | VFW_E_BAD_KEY | A registry entry is corrupt. |
0x80050010 | E_EVAL_EXPIRED | The evaluation period for the filter has expired. |
0x80050013 | LTMM_E_INVALID_DATA | Invalid data |
0x80050014 | LTMM_E_INVALID_HEADER | Invalid packed data |
0x80050015 | LTMM_E_DISABLED | This feature is disabled |
0x80050016 | LTMM_E_INVALID_VERSION | This version is not supported |
0x80050017 | LTMM_E_STILLIMAGE_LOCKED | The LEADTOOLS still image toolkit needs to be unlocked |
0x80070020 | E_SHARING_VIOLATION | The output file is in use. |
0x80070490 | E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED | The property is not supported. |
0x80070492 | E_PROP_SET_UNSUPPORTED | Setting of the property is not supported. |
0xC00D36B0 | MF_E_PLATFORM_NOT_INITIALIZED | Platform not initialized. Please call MFStartup(). |
0xC00D36B1 | MF_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL | The buffer was too small to carry out the requested action. |
0xC00D36B2 | MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST | The request is invalid in the current state. |
0xC00D36B3 | MF_E_INVALIDSTREAMNUMBER | The stream number provided was invalid. |
0xC00D36B4 | MF_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE | The data specified for the media type is invalid, inconsistent, or not supported by this object. |
0xC00D36B5 | MF_E_NOTACCEPTING | The callee is currently not accepting further input. |
0xC00D36B6 | MF_E_NOT_INITIALIZED | This object needs to be initialized before the requested operation can be carried out. |
0xC00D36B7 | MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_REPRESENTATION | The requested representation is not supported by this object. |
0xC00D36B9 | MF_E_NO_MORE_TYPES | An object ran out of media types to suggest therefore the requested chain of streaming objects cannot be completed. |
0xC00D36BA | MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE | The object does not support the specified service. |
0xC00D36BB | MF_E_UNEXPECTED | An unexpected error has occurred in the operation requested. |
0xC00D36BC | MF_E_INVALIDNAME | Invalid name. |
0xC00D36BD | MF_E_INVALIDTYPE | Invalid type. |
0xC00D36BE | MF_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT | The file does not conform to the relevant file format specification. |
0xC00D36BF | MF_E_INVALIDINDEX | Invalid index. |
0xC00D36C0 | MF_E_INVALID_TIMESTAMP | An invalid timestamp was given. |
0xC00D36C3 | MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME | The scheme of the given URL is unsupported. |
0xC00D36C4 | MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_BYTESTREAM_TYPE | The byte stream type of the given URL is unsupported. |
0xC00D36C5 | MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_TIME_FORMAT | The given time format is unsupported. |
0xC00D36C8 | MF_E_NO_SAMPLE_TIMESTAMP | The Media Sample does not have a timestamp. |
0xC00D36C9 | MF_E_NO_SAMPLE_DURATION | The Media Sample does not have a duration. |
0xC00D36CB | MF_E_INVALID_STREAM_DATA | The request failed because the data in the stream is corrupt. |
0xC00D36CF | MF_E_RT_UNAVAILABLE | Real time services are not available. |
0xC00D36D0 | MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_RATE | The specified rate is not supported. |
0xC00D36D1 | MF_E_THINNING_UNSUPPORTED | This component does not support stream-thinning. |
0xC00D36D2 | MF_E_REVERSE_UNSUPPORTED | The call failed because no reverse playback rates are available. |
0xC00D36D3 | MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_RATE_TRANSITION | The requested rate transition cannot occur in the current state. |
0xC00D36D4 | MF_E_RATE_CHANGE_PREEMPTED | The requested rate change has been pre-empted and will not occur. |
0xC00D36D5 | MF_E_NOT_FOUND | The specified object or value does not exist. |
0xC00D36D6 | MF_E_NOT_AVAILABLE | The requested value is not available. |
0xC00D36D7 | MF_E_NO_CLOCK | The specified operation requires a clock and no clock is available. |
0xC00D36D9 | MF_E_MULTIPLE_BEGIN | This callback has already been passed in to this event generator. |
0xC00D36DA | MF_E_MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBERS | Some component is already listening to events on this event generator. |
0xC00D36DB | MF_E_TIMER_ORPHANED | This timer was orphaned before its callback time arrived. |
0xC00D36DC | MF_E_STATE_TRANSITION_PENDING | A state transition is already pending. |
0xC00D36DD | MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_STATE_TRANSITION | The requested state transition is unsupported. |
0xC00D36DE | MF_E_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR_OCCURRED | An unrecoverable error has occurred. |
0xC00D36DF | MF_E_SAMPLE_HAS_TOO_MANY_BUFFERS | The provided sample has too many buffers. |
0xC00D36E0 | MF_E_SAMPLE_NOT_WRITABLE | The provided sample is not writable. |
0xC00D36E2 | MF_E_INVALID_KEY | The specified key is not valid. |
0xC00D36E3 | MF_E_BAD_STARTUP_VERSION | You are calling MFStartup with the wrong MF_VERSION. Mismatched bits? |
0xC00D36E4 | MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_CAPTION | The caption of the given URL is unsupported. |
0xC00D36E5 | MF_E_INVALID_POSITION | The operation on the current offset is not permitted. |
0xC00D36E6 | MF_E_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND | The requested attribute was not found. |
0xC00D36E7 | MF_E_PROPERTY_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED | The specified property type is not allowed in this context. |
0xC00D36E8 | MF_E_PROPERTY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED | The specified property type is not supported. |
0xC00D36E9 | MF_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY | The specified property is empty. |
0xC00D36EA | MF_E_PROPERTY_NOT_EMPTY | The specified property is not empty. |
0xC00D36EB | MF_E_PROPERTY_VECTOR_NOT_ALLOWED | The vector property specified is not allowed in this context. |
0xC00D36EC | MF_E_PROPERTY_VECTOR_REQUIRED | A vector property is required in this context. |
0xC00D36ED | MF_E_OPERATION_CANCELLED | The operation is cancelled. |
0xC00D36EE | MF_E_BYTESTREAM_NOT_SEEKABLE | The provided bytestream was expected to be seekable but it was not. |
0xC00D36EF | MF_E_DISABLED_IN_SAFEMODE | The Media Foundation platform is disabled when the system is running in Safe Mode. |
0xC00D36F0 | MF_E_CANNOT_PARSE_BYTESTREAM | The Media Source could not parse the byte stream. |
0xC00D36F1 | MF_E_SOURCERESOLVER_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_FLAGS | Mutually exclusive flags have been specified to source resolver. This flag combination is invalid. |
0xC00D36F2 | MF_E_MEDIAPROC_WRONGSTATE | MediaProc is in the wrong state |
0xC00D36F3 | MF_E_RT_THROUGHPUT_NOT_AVAILABLE | Real time I/O service can not provide requested throughput. |
0xC00D36F4 | MF_E_RT_TOO_MANY_CLASSES | The work queue cannot be registered with more classes. |
0xC00D36F5 | MF_E_RT_WOULDBLOCK | This operation cannot succeed because another thread owns this object. |
0xC00D36F6 | MF_E_NO_BITPUMP | Internal. Bitpump not found. |
0xC00D36F7 | MF_E_RT_OUTOFMEMORY | No more RT memory available. |
0xC00D36F8 | MF_E_RT_WORKQUEUE_CLASS_NOT_SPECIFIED | An MMCSS class has not been set for this work queue. |
0xC00D36FA | MF_E_CANNOT_CREATE_SINK | Activate failed to create a media sink. Call OutputNode::GetUINT32(MF_TOPONODE_MAJORTYPE) for more information. |
0xC00D36FB | MF_E_BYTESTREAM_UNKNOWN_LENGTH | The length of the provided bytestream is unknown. |
0xC00D36FC | MF_E_SESSION_PAUSEWHILESTOPPED | The media session cannot pause from a stopped state. |
0xC00D36FE | MF_E_FORMAT_CHANGE_NOT_SUPPORTED | The data specified for the media type is supported, but would require a format change, which is not supported by this object. |
0xC00D36FF | MF_E_INVALID_WORKQUEUE | The operation failed because an invalid combination of work queue ID and flags was specified. |
0xC00D3700 | MF_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED | No DRM support is available. |
0xC00D3701 | MF_E_UNAUTHORIZED | This operation is not authorized. |
0xC00D3702 | MF_E_OUT_OF_RANGE | The value is not in the specified or valid range. |
0xC00D3703 | MF_E_INVALID_CODEC_MERIT | The registered codec merit is not valid. |
0xC00D3704 | MF_E_HW_MFT_FAILED_START_STREAMING | Hardware MFT failed to start streaming due to lack of hardware resources. |
0xC00D3A98 | MF_E_ASF_PARSINGINCOMPLETE | Not enough data has been parsed to carry out the requested action. |
0xC00D3A99 | MF_E_ASF_MISSINGDATA | There is a gap in the ASF data provided. |
0xC00D3A9A | MF_E_ASF_INVALIDDATA | The data provided are not valid ASF. |
0xC00D3A9B | MF_E_ASF_OPAQUEPACKET | The packet is opaque, so the requested information cannot be returned. |
0xC00D3A9C | MF_E_ASF_NOINDEX | The requested operation failed since there is no appropriate ASF index. |
0xC00D3A9D | MF_E_ASF_OUTOFRANGE | The value supplied is out of range for this operation. |
0xC00D3A9E | MF_E_ASF_INDEXNOTLOADED | The index entry requested needs to be loaded before it can be available. |
0xC00D3A9F | MF_E_ASF_TOO_MANY_PAYLOADS | The packet has reached the maximum number of payloads. |
0xC00D3AA0 | MF_E_ASF_UNSUPPORTED_STREAM_TYPE | Stream type is not supported. |
0xC00D3AA1 | MF_E_ASF_DROPPED_PACKET | One or more ASF packets were dropped. |
0xC00D3E80 | MF_E_NO_EVENTS_AVAILABLE | There are no events available in the queue. |
0xC00D3E82 | MF_E_INVALID_STATE_TRANSITION | A media source cannot go from the stopped state to the paused state. |
0xC00D3E84 | MF_E_END_OF_STREAM | The media stream cannot process any more samples because there are no more samples in the stream. |
0xC00D3E85 | MF_E_SHUTDOWN | The request is invalid because Shutdown() has been called. |
0xC00D3E86 | MF_E_MP3_NOTFOUND | The MP3 object was not found. |
0xC00D3E87 | MF_E_MP3_OUTOFDATA | The MP3 parser ran out of data before finding the MP3 object. |
0xC00D3E88 | MF_E_MP3_NOTMP3 | The file is not really a MP3 file. |
0xC00D3E89 | MF_E_MP3_NOTSUPPORTED | The MP3 file is not supported. |
0xC00D3E8A | MF_E_NO_DURATION | The Media stream has no duration. |
0xC00D3E8C | MF_E_INVALID_FORMAT | The Media format is recognized but is invalid. |
0xC00D3E8D | MF_E_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND | The property requested was not found. |
0xC00D3E8E | MF_E_PROPERTY_READ_ONLY | The property is read only. |
0xC00D3E8F | MF_E_PROPERTY_NOT_ALLOWED | The specified property is not allowed in this context. |
0xC00D3E91 | MF_E_MEDIA_SOURCE_NOT_STARTED | The media source has not started. |
0xC00D3E98 | MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT | The Media format is recognized but not supported. |
0xC00D3E99 | MF_E_MP3_BAD_CRC | The MPEG frame has bad CRC. |
0xC00D3E9A | MF_E_NOT_PROTECTED | The file is not protected. |
0xC00D3E9B | MF_E_MEDIA_SOURCE_WRONGSTATE | The media source is in the wrong state. |
0xC00D3E9C | MF_E_MEDIA_SOURCE_NO_STREAMS_SELECTED | No streams are selected in the source presentation descriptor. |
0xC00D3E9D | MF_E_CANNOT_FIND_KEYFRAME_SAMPLE | No key frame sample was found. |
0xC00D4268 | MF_E_NETWORK_RESOURCE_FAILURE | An attempt to acquire a network resource failed. |
0xC00D4269 | MF_E_NET_WRITE | Error writing to the network. |
0xC00D426A | MF_E_NET_READ | Error reading from the network. |
0xC00D426B | MF_E_NET_REQUIRE_NETWORK | Internal. Entry cannot complete operation without network. |
0xC00D426C | MF_E_NET_REQUIRE_ASYNC | Internal. Async op is required. |
0xC00D426D | MF_E_NET_BWLEVEL_NOT_SUPPORTED | Internal. Bandwidth levels are not supported. |
0xC00D426E | MF_E_NET_STREAMGROUPS_NOT_SUPPORTED | Internal. Stream groups are not supported. |
0xC00D426F | MF_E_NET_MANUALSS_NOT_SUPPORTED | Manual stream selection is not supported. |
0xC00D4270 | MF_E_NET_INVALID_PRESENTATION_DESCRIPTOR | Invalid presentation descriptor. |
0xC00D4271 | MF_E_NET_CACHESTREAM_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find the cache stream. |
0xC00D4274 | MF_E_NET_REQUIRE_INPUT | Internal. Entry cannot complete operation without input. |
0xC00D4275 | MF_E_NET_REDIRECT | The client was redirected to another server. |
0xC00D4276 | MF_E_NET_REDIRECT_TO_PROXY | The client was redirected to a proxy server. |
0xC00D4277 | MF_E_NET_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS | The client reached the maximum redirection limit. |
0xC00D4278 | MF_E_NET_TIMEOUT | The server, a computer set up to offer multimedia content to other computers, could not handle your request for multimedia content in a timely manner. Please try again later. |
0xC00D4279 | MF_E_NET_CLIENT_CLOSE | The control socket is closed by the client. |
0xC00D427A | MF_E_NET_BAD_CONTROL_DATA | The server received invalid data from the client on the control connection. |
0xC00D427B | MF_E_NET_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER | The server is not a compatible streaming media server. |
0xC00D427C | MF_E_NET_UNSAFE_URL | Url. |
0xC00D427D | MF_E_NET_CACHE_NO_DATA | Data is not available. |
0xC00D427E | MF_E_NET_EOL | End of line. |
0xC00D427F | MF_E_NET_BAD_REQUEST | The request could not be understood by the server. |
0xC00D4280 | MF_E_NET_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
0xC00D4281 | MF_E_NET_SESSION_NOT_FOUND | Session not found. |
0xC00D4282 | MF_E_NET_NOCONNECTION | There is no connection established with the Windows Media server. The operation failed. |
0xC00D4283 | MF_E_NET_CONNECTION_FAILURE | The network connection has failed. |
0xC00D4284 | MF_E_NET_INCOMPATIBLE_PUSHSERVER | The Server service that received the HTTP push request is not a compatible version of Windows Media Services (WMS). This error can indicate the push request was received by IIS instead of WMS. Ensure WMS has started and has the HTTP Server control protocol properly enabled and try again. |
0xC00D4285 | MF_E_NET_SERVER_ACCESSDENIED | The Windows Media server is denying access. The username and/or password could be incorrect. |
0xC00D4286 | MF_E_NET_PROXY_ACCESSDENIED | The proxy server is denying access. The username and/or password could be incorrect. |
0xC00D4287 | MF_E_NET_CANNOTCONNECT | Unable to establish a connection to the server. |
0xC00D4288 | MF_E_NET_INVALID_PUSH_TEMPLATE | The specified push template is invalid. |
0xC00D4289 | MF_E_NET_INVALID_PUSH_PUBLISHING_POINT | The specified push publishing point is invalid. |
0xC00D428A | MF_E_NET_BUSY | The requested resource is in use. |
0xC00D428B | MF_E_NET_RESOURCE_GONE | The Publishing Point or file on the Windows Media Server is no longer available. |
0xC00D428C | MF_E_NET_ERROR_FROM_PROXY | The proxy experienced an error while attempting to contact the media server. |
0xC00D428D | MF_E_NET_PROXY_TIMEOUT | The proxy did not receive a timely response while attempting to contact the media server. |
0xC00D428E | MF_E_NET_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE | The server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. |
0xC00D428F | MF_E_NET_TOO_MUCH_DATA | The encoding process was unable to keep up with the amount of data supplied. |
0xC00D4290 | MF_E_NET_SESSION_INVALID | Session not found. |
0xC00D4291 | MF_E_OFFLINE_MODE | The requested URL is not available in offline mode. |
0xC00D4292 | MF_E_NET_UDP_BLOCKED | A device in the network is blocking UDP traffic. |
0xC00D4293 | MF_E_NET_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIGURATION | The specified configuration value is not supported. |
0xC00D4294 | MF_E_NET_PROTOCOL_DISABLED | The networking protocol is disabled. |
0xC00D4650 | MF_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED | This object has already been initialized and cannot be re-initialized at this time. |
0xC00D4651 | MF_E_BANDWIDTH_OVERRUN | The amount of data passed in exceeds the given bitrate and buffer window. |
0xC00D4652 | MF_E_LATE_SAMPLE | The sample was passed in too late to be correctly processed. |
0xC00D4653 | MF_E_FLUSH_NEEDED | The requested action cannot be carried out until the object is flushed and the queue is emptied. |
0xC00D4654 | MF_E_INVALID_PROFILE | The profile is invalid. |
0xC00D4655 | MF_E_INDEX_NOT_COMMITTED | The index that is being generated needs to be committed before the requested action can be carried out. |
0xC00D4656 | MF_E_NO_INDEX | The index that is necessary for the requested action is not found. |
0xC00D4657 | MF_E_CANNOT_INDEX_IN_PLACE | The requested index cannot be added in-place to the specified ASF content. |
0xC00D4658 | MF_E_MISSING_ASF_LEAKYBUCKET | The ASF leaky bucket parameters must be specified in order to carry out this request. |
0xC00D4659 | MF_E_INVALID_ASF_STREAMID | The stream id is invalid. The valid range for ASF stream id is from 1 to 127. |
0xC00D4A38 | MF_E_STREAMSINK_REMOVED | The requested Stream Sink has been removed and cannot be used. |
0xC00D4A3A | MF_E_STREAMSINKS_OUT_OF_SYNC | The various Stream Sinks in this Media Sink are too far out of sync for the requested action to take place. |
0xC00D4A3B | MF_E_STREAMSINKS_FIXED | Stream Sinks cannot be added to or removed from this Media Sink because its set of streams is fixed. |
0xC00D4A3C | MF_E_STREAMSINK_EXISTS | The given Stream Sink already exists. |
0xC00D4A3D | MF_E_SAMPLEALLOCATOR_CANCELED | Sample allocations have been canceled. |
0xC00D4A3E | MF_E_SAMPLEALLOCATOR_EMPTY | The sample allocator is currently empty, due to outstanding requests. |
0xC00D4A3F | MF_E_SINK_ALREADYSTOPPED | The stream sink is already stopped. |
0xC00D4A40 | MF_E_ASF_FILESINK_BITRATE_UNKNOWN | The ASF file sink could not reserve AVIO because the bitrate is unknown. |
0xC00D4A41 | MF_E_SINK_NO_STREAMS | No streams are selected in the sink presentation descriptor. |
0xC00D4A43 | MF_E_METADATA_TOO_LONG | A metadata item was too long to write to the output container. |
0xC00D4A44 | MF_E_SINK_NO_SAMPLES_PROCESSED | The operation failed because no samples were processed by the sink. |
0xC00D4E20 | MF_E_VIDEO_REN_NO_PROCAMP_HW | There is no available procamp hardware with which to perform color correction. |
0xC00D4E21 | MF_E_VIDEO_REN_NO_DEINTERLACE_HW | There is no available deinterlacing hardware with which to deinterlace the video stream. |
0xC00D4E22 | MF_E_VIDEO_REN_COPYPROT_FAILED | A video stream requires copy protection to be enabled, but there was a failure in attempting to enable copy protection. |
0xC00D4E23 | MF_E_VIDEO_REN_SURFACE_NOT_SHARED | A component is attempting to access a surface for sharing that is not shared. |
0xC00D4E24 | MF_E_VIDEO_DEVICE_LOCKED | A component is attempting to access a shared device that is already locked by another component. |
0xC00D4E25 | MF_E_NEW_VIDEO_DEVICE | The device is no longer available. The handle should be closed and a new one opened. |
0xC00D4E26 | MF_E_NO_VIDEO_SAMPLE_AVAILABLE | A video sample is not currently queued on a stream that is required for mixing. |
0xC00D4E84 | MF_E_NO_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_DEVICE | No audio playback device was found. |
0xC00D4E85 | MF_E_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_DEVICE_IN_USE | The requested audio playback device is currently in use. |
0xC00D4E86 | MF_E_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_DEVICE_INVALIDATED | The audio playback device is no longer present. |
0xC00D4E87 | MF_E_AUDIO_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING | The audio service is not running. |
0xC00D520E | MF_E_TOPO_INVALID_OPTIONAL_NODE | The topology contains an invalid optional node. Possible reasons are an incorrect number of outputs and inputs or an optional node is at the beginning or end of a segment. |
0xC00D5211 | MF_E_TOPO_CANNOT_FIND_DECRYPTOR | No suitable transform was found to decrypt the content. |
0xC00D5212 | MF_E_TOPO_CODEC_NOT_FOUND | No suitable transform was found to encode or decode the content. |
0xC00D5213 | MF_E_TOPO_CANNOT_CONNECT | Unable to find a way to connect nodes. |
0xC00D5214 | MF_E_TOPO_UNSUPPORTED | Unsupported operations in the topoloader. |
0xC00D5215 | MF_E_TOPO_INVALID_TIME_ATTRIBUTES | The topology or its nodes contain incorrectly set time attributes. |
0xC00D5216 | MF_E_TOPO_LOOPS_IN_TOPOLOGY | The topology contains loops, which are unsupported in media foundation topologies. |
0xC00D5217 | MF_E_TOPO_MISSING_PRESENTATION_DESCRIPTOR | A source stream node in the topology does not have a presentation descriptor. |
0xC00D5218 | MF_E_TOPO_MISSING_STREAM_DESCRIPTOR | A source stream node in the topology does not have a stream descriptor. |
0xC00D5219 | MF_E_TOPO_STREAM_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_SELECTED | A stream descriptor was set on a source stream node but it was not selected on the presentation descriptor. |
0xC00D521A | MF_E_TOPO_MISSING_SOURCE | A source stream node in the topology does not have a source. |
0xC00D521B | MF_E_TOPO_SINK_ACTIVATES_UNSUPPORTED | The topology loader does not support sink activates on output nodes. |
0xC00D61AC | MF_E_SEQUENCER_UNKNOWN_SEGMENT_ID | The sequencer cannot find a segment with the given ID. |
0xC00D61AE | MF_E_NO_SOURCE_IN_CACHE | Cannot find source in the source cache. |
0xC00D6D60 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_TYPE_NOT_SET | A valid type has not been set for this stream or a stream that it depends on. |
0xC00D6D61 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_STREAM_CHANGE | A stream change has occurred. Output cannot be produced until the streams have been renegotiated. |
0xC00D6D62 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_INPUT_REMAINING | The transform cannot take the requested action until all of the input data it currently holds is processed or flushed. |
0xC00D6D63 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_PROFILE_MISSING | The transform requires a profile but no profile was supplied or found. |
0xC00D6D64 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_PROFILE_INVALID_OR_CORRUPT | The transform requires a profile but the supplied profile was invalid or corrupt. |
0xC00D6D65 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_PROFILE_TRUNCATED | The transform requires a profile but the supplied profile ended unexpectedly while parsing. |
0xC00D6D66 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_PROPERTY_PID_NOT_RECOGNIZED | The property ID does not match any property supported by the transform. |
0xC00D6D67 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_PROPERTY_VARIANT_TYPE_WRONG | The variant does not have the type expected for this property ID. |
0xC00D6D68 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_PROPERTY_NOT_WRITEABLE | An attempt was made to set the value on a read-only property. |
0xC00D6D69 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_PROPERTY_ARRAY_VALUE_WRONG_NUM_DIM | The array property value has an unexpected number of dimensions. |
0xC00D6D6A | MF_E_TRANSFORM_PROPERTY_VALUE_SIZE_WRONG | The array or blob property value has an unexpected size. |
0xC00D6D6B | MF_E_TRANSFORM_PROPERTY_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE | The property value is out of range for this transform. |
0xC00D6D6C | MF_E_TRANSFORM_PROPERTY_VALUE_INCOMPATIBLE | The property value is incompatible with some other property or media type set on the transform. |
0xC00D6D6D | MF_E_TRANSFORM_NOT_POSSIBLE_FOR_CURRENT_OUTPUT_MEDIATYPE | The requested operation is not supported for the currently set output media type. |
0xC00D6D6E | MF_E_TRANSFORM_NOT_POSSIBLE_FOR_CURRENT_INPUT_MEDIATYPE | The requested operation is not supported for the currently set input media type. |
0xC00D6D6F | MF_E_TRANSFORM_NOT_POSSIBLE_FOR_CURRENT_MEDIATYPE_COMBINATION | The requested operation is not supported for the currently set combination of media types. |
0xC00D6D70 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_CONFLICTS_WITH_OTHER_CURRENTLY_ENABLED_FEATURES | The requested feature is not supported in combination with some other currently enabled feature. |
0xC00D6D72 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT | The transform cannot produce output until it gets more input samples. |
0xC00D6D73 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_NOT_POSSIBLE_FOR_CURRENT_SPKR_CONFIG | The requested operation is not supported for the current speaker configuration. |
0xC00D6D74 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_CANNOT_CHANGE_MEDIATYPE_WHILE_PROCESSING | The transform cannot accept media type changes in the middle of processing. |
0xC00D6D76 | MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_D3D_TYPE | The input type is not supported for D3D device. |
0xC00D6D77 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_ASYNC_LOCKED | The caller does not appear to support this transform's asynchronous capabilities. |
0xC00D6D78 | MF_E_TRANSFORM_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_ACM_DRIVER | An audio compression manager driver could not be initialized by the transform. |
0xC00D7148 | MF_E_LICENSE_INCORRECT_RIGHTS | You are not allowed to open this file. Contact the content provider for further assistance. |
0xC00D7149 | MF_E_LICENSE_OUTOFDATE | The license for this media file has expired. Get a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance. |
0xC00D714A | MF_E_LICENSE_REQUIRED | You need a license to perform the requested operation on this media file. |
0xC00D714B | MF_E_DRM_HARDWARE_INCONSISTENT | The licenses for your media files are corrupted. Contact Microsoft product support. |
0xC00D714C | MF_E_NO_CONTENT_PROTECTION_MANAGER | The APP needs to provide an IMFContentProtectionManager callback to access the protected media file. |
0xC00D714D | MF_E_LICENSE_RESTORE_NO_RIGHTS | Client does not have rights to restore licenses. |
0xC00D714E | MF_E_BACKUP_RESTRICTED_LICENSE | Licenses are restricted and hence cannot be backed up. |
0xC00D714F | MF_E_LICENSE_RESTORE_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION | License restore requires the machine to be individualized. |
0xC00D7151 | MF_E_COMPONENT_REVOKED | Component is revoked. |
0xC00D7152 | MF_E_TRUST_DISABLED | Trusted functionality is currently disabled on this component. |
0xC00D7153 | MF_E_WMDRMOTA_NO_ACTION | No Action is set on WMDRM Output Trust Authority. |
0xC00D7154 | MF_E_WMDRMOTA_ACTION_ALREADY_SET | Action is already set on WMDRM Output Trust Authority. |
0xC00D7155 | MF_E_WMDRMOTA_DRM_HEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE | DRM Header is not available. |
0xC00D7156 | MF_E_WMDRMOTA_DRM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME_NOT_SUPPORTED | Current encryption scheme is not supported. |
0xC00D7157 | MF_E_WMDRMOTA_ACTION_MISMATCH | Action does not match the current configuration. |
0xC00D7158 | MF_E_WMDRMOTA_INVALID_POLICY | Invalid policy for WMDRM Output Trust Authority. |
0xC00D7159 | MF_E_POLICY_UNSUPPORTED | The policies that the Input Trust Authority requires to be enforced are unsupported by the outputs. |
0xC00D715A | MF_E_OPL_NOT_SUPPORTED | The OPL that the license requires to be enforced are not supported by the Input Trust Authority. |
0xC00D715B | MF_E_TOPOLOGY_VERIFICATION_FAILED | The topology could not be successfully verified. |
0xC00D715C | MF_E_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAILED | Signature verification could not be completed successfully for this component. |
0xC00D715D | MF_E_DEBUGGING_NOT_ALLOWED | Running this process under a debugger while using protected content is not allowed. |
0xC00D715E | MF_E_CODE_EXPIRED | MF component has expired. |
0xC00D715F | MF_E_GRL_VERSION_TOO_LOW | The current GRL on the machine does not meet the minimum version requirements. |
0xC00D7160 | MF_E_GRL_RENEWAL_NOT_FOUND | The current GRL on the machine does not contain any renewal entries for the specified revocation. |
0xC00D7161 | MF_E_GRL_EXTENSIBLE_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND | The current GRL on the machine does not contain any extensible entries for the specified extension GUID. |
0xC00D7162 | MF_E_KERNEL_UNTRUSTED | The kernel is not secure for high security level content. |
0xC00D7163 | MF_E_PEAUTH_UNTRUSTED | The response from the protected environment driver is not valid. |
0xC00D7165 | MF_E_NON_PE_PROCESS | A non-PE process tried to talk to PEAuth. |
0xC00D7167 | MF_E_REBOOT_REQUIRED | We need to reboot the machine. |
0xC00D716A | MF_E_GRL_INVALID_FORMAT | The GRL file is not correctly formed: it may have been corrupted or overwritten. |
0xC00D716B | MF_E_GRL_UNRECOGNIZED_FORMAT | The GRL file is in a format newer than those recognized by this GRL Reader. |
0xC00D716C | MF_E_ALL_PROCESS_RESTART_REQUIRED | The GRL was reloaded and required all processes that can run protected media to restart. |
0xC00D716D | MF_E_PROCESS_RESTART_REQUIRED | The GRL was reloaded and the current process needs to restart. |
0xC00D716E | MF_E_USERMODE_UNTRUSTED | The user space is untrusted for protected content play. |
0xC00D716F | MF_E_PEAUTH_SESSION_NOT_STARTED | PEAuth communication session has not been started. |
0xC00D7170 | MF_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER | Insufficient memory for response. |
0xC00D7171 | MF_E_PEAUTH_PUBLICKEY_REVOKED | PEAuth's public key is revoked. |
0xC00D7172 | MF_E_GRL_ABSENT | The GRL is absent. |
0xC00D7174 | MF_E_PE_UNTRUSTED | The Protected Environment is untrusted. |
0xC00D7175 | MF_E_PEAUTH_NOT_STARTED | The Protected Environment Authorization service (PEAUTH) has not been started. |
0xC00D7176 | MF_E_INCOMPATIBLE_SAMPLE_PROTECTION | The sample protection algorithms supported by components are not compatible. |
0xC00D7177 | MF_E_PE_SESSIONS_MAXED | No more protected environment sessions can be supported. |
0xC00D7178 | MF_E_HIGH_SECURITY_LEVEL_CONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED | WMDRM ITA does not allow protected content with high security level for this release. |
0xC00D7179 | MF_E_TEST_SIGNED_COMPONENTS_NOT_ALLOWED | WMDRM ITA cannot allow the requested action for the content as one or more components are not properly signed. |
0xC00D717A | MF_E_ITA_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION | WMDRM ITA does not support the requested action. |
0xC00D717B | MF_E_ITA_ERROR_PARSING_SAP_PARAMETERS | WMDRM ITA encountered an error in parsing the Secure Audio Path parameters. |
0xC00D717C | MF_E_POLICY_MGR_ACTION_OUTOFBOUNDS | The Policy Manager action passed in is invalid. |
0xC00D717D | MF_E_BAD_OPL_STRUCTURE_FORMAT | The structure specifying Output Protection Level is not the correct format. |
0xC00D717E | MF_E_ITA_UNRECOGNIZED_ANALOG_VIDEO_PROTECTION_GUID | WMDRM ITA does not recognize the Explicit Analog Video Output Protection guid specified in the license. |
0xC00D717F | MF_E_NO_PMP_HOST | IMFPMPHost object not available. |
0xC00D7180 | MF_E_ITA_OPL_DATA_NOT_INITIALIZED | WMDRM ITA could not initialize the Output Protection Level data. |
0xC00D7181 | MF_E_ITA_UNRECOGNIZED_ANALOG_VIDEO_OUTPUT | WMDRM ITA does not recognize the Analog Video Output specified by the OTA. |
0xC00D7182 | MF_E_ITA_UNRECOGNIZED_DIGITAL_VIDEO_OUTPUT | WMDRM ITA does not recognize the Digital Video Output specified by the OTA. |
0xC00D9C40 | MF_E_CLOCK_INVALID_CONTINUITY_KEY | The continuity key supplied is not currently valid. |
0xC00D9C41 | MF_E_CLOCK_NO_TIME_SOURCE | No Presentation Time Source has been specified. |
0xC00D9C42 | MF_E_CLOCK_STATE_ALREADY_SET | The clock is already in the requested state. |
0xC00D9C43 | MF_E_CLOCK_NOT_SIMPLE | The clock has too many advanced features to carry out the request. |
0xC00DA028 | MF_E_NO_MORE_DROP_MODES | The component does not support any more drop modes. |
0xC00DA029 | MF_E_NO_MORE_QUALITY_LEVELS | The component does not support any more quality levels. |
0xC00DA02A | MF_E_DROPTIME_NOT_SUPPORTED | The component does not support drop-time functionality. |
0xC00DA02B | MF_E_QUALITYKNOB_WAIT_LONGER | The Quality Manager needs to wait longer before bumping the Quality Level up. |
0xC00DA02C | MF_E_QM_INVALIDSTATE | The Quality Manager is in an invalid state. Quality Management is off at this moment. |
0xC00DA410 | MF_E_TRANSCODE_NO_CONTAINERTYPE | No transcode output container type is specified. |
0xC00DA411 | MF_E_TRANSCODE_PROFILE_NO_MATCHING_STREAMS | The profile does not have a media type configuration for any selected source streams. |
0xC00DA412 | MF_E_TRANSCODE_NO_MATCHING_ENCODER | Cannot find an encoder MFT that accepts the user preferred output type. |
0xC00DA7F8 | MF_E_ALLOCATOR_NOT_INITIALIZED | Memory allocator is not initialized. |
0xC00DA7F9 | MF_E_ALLOCATOR_NOT_COMMITED | Memory allocator is not committed yet. |
0xC00DA7FA | MF_E_ALLOCATOR_ALREADY_COMMITED | Memory allocator has already been committed. |
0xC00DA7FB | MF_E_STREAM_ERROR | An error occurred in the media stream. |
0xC00DA7FC | MF_E_INVALID_STREAM_STATE | The stream is not in a state to handle the request. |
0xC00DA7FD | MF_E_HW_STREAM_NOT_CONNECTED | The hardware stream is not connected yet. |
0x00000000 | S_OK | Success. Numerically equivalent to NOERROR. |
0x00000000 | NOERROR | No error. Numerically equivalent to S_OK. |
0x00000001 | S_FALSE | Success. Condition was FALSE. |
0x0004022D | VFW_S_DUPLICATE_NAME | An attempt to add a filter with a duplicate name succeeded with a modified name. |
0x00040237 | VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE | The state transition is not complete. |
0x00040242 | VFW_S_PARTIAL_RENDER | Some of the streams in this movie are in an unsupported format. |
0x00040245 | VFW_S_SOME_DATA_IGNORED | The file contained some property settings that were not used. |
0x00040246 | VFW_S_CONNECTIONS_DEFERRED | Some connections failed and were deferred. |
0x00040250 | VFW_S_RESOURCE_NOT_NEEDED | The resource specified is no longer needed. |
0x00040254 | VFW_S_MEDIA_TYPE_IGNORED | Could not connect with the media type in the persistent graph. |
0x00040257 | VFW_S_VIDEO_NOT_RENDERED | Could not find a suitable renderer. Cannot play back the video stream. |
0x00040258 | VFW_S_AUDIO_NOT_RENDERED | Could not find a suitable renderer. Cannot play back the audio stream. |
0x0004025A | VFW_S_RPZA | Cannot play back the video stream: format 'RPZA' is not supported. |
0x00040260 | VFW_S_ESTIMATED | The value returned had to be estimated. Its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. |
0x00040263 | VFW_S_RESERVED | This success code is reserved for internal purposes within DirectShow. |
0x00040267 | VFW_S_STREAM_OFF | The stream was turned off. |
0x00040268 | VFW_S_CANT_CUE | The filter is active, but cannot deliver data. See IMediaFilter.GetState in your SDK. |
0x000D36D8 | MF_S_MULTIPLE_BEGIN | This callback and state had already been passed in to this event generator earlier. |
0x000D36FD | MF_S_ACTIVATE_REPLACED | The activate could not be created in the remote process for some reason: it was replaced with empty one. |
0x000D4A42 | MF_S_SINK_NOT_FINALIZED | The sink has not been finalized before shut down. This can cause the sink to generate corrupted content. |
0x000D61AD | MF_S_SEQUENCER_CONTEXT_CANCELED | The context was canceled. |
0x000D61AF | MF_S_SEQUENCER_SEGMENT_AT_END_OF_STREAM | Cannot update topology flags. |
0x000D6D75 | MF_S_TRANSFORM_DO_NOT_PROPAGATE_EVENT | The caller should not propagate this event to downstream components. |
0x000D7150 | MF_S_PROTECTION_NOT_REQUIRED | Protection for stream is not required. |
0x000D7168 | MF_S_WAIT_FOR_POLICY_SET | Protection for this stream is not guaranteed to be enforced until the MEPolicySet event is fired. |
0x000D7169 | MF_S_VIDEO_DISABLED_WITH_UNKNOWN_SOFTWARE_OUTPUT | This video stream is disabled because it is being sent to an unknown software output. |
0x000D7173 | MF_S_PE_TRUSTED | The Protected Environment is trusted. |
0x000D9C44 | MF_S_CLOCK_STOPPED | Timer::SetTimer returns this success code if call happened while timer is stopped. Timer is not going to be dispatched until clock is running. |
0x400D3A98 | MF_S_ASF_PARSEINPROGRESS | Parsing is still in progress and is not yet complete. |
0x400D4272 | MF_I_MANUAL_PROXY | The proxy setting is manual. |
The LEADTOOLS Media Foundation toolkit returns error and success notifications to applications in the form of HRESULT values. A return code's LOWORD portion is the return code itself, in hexadecimal format.
The COM Win32 HRESULT documentation contains more information, including how to use the FAILED and SUCCEEDED macros to test return values.
Microsoft VB programmers will see only the decimal equivalent of the error code's first 16-bit portion. This value appears in an error notification dialog box or in the Err object as a run-time error.
If the error is not in the following list, you must convert the decimal number to its hexadecimal equivalent, and then look for the error as described previously. Note that the error's hexadecimal version will be a maximum of four digits long; to find the error, match the last four digits of the hexadecimal code in the error code list to the converted run-time error.
The LEADTOOLS Media Foundation modules will return E_EVAL_EXPIRED (0x80050010) if you attempt to create them after the evaluation period has expired.
The LEADTOOLS Media Foundation toolkit functions will often return error codes native to Media Foundation or DirectShow(legacy support). Please refer to the Microsoft Media Foundation SDK or DirectX SDK for specific information about error codes.
Some Multimedia components, will convert DOS error codes to 0x8003zzzz, where "zzzz" is the error code. For example, the DOS error code ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND (0x03) is converted to 0x80030003. For a complete list, see the GetLastError function in the Microsoft Platform SDK documentation.