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ILMNetSnk Interface Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see ILMNetSnk members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddRestriction Adds the specified IP address to a list of restricted addresses.
Public Method AddUser Adds a new user to the list of registered users in the server and retrieves the index of the added user in the list.
Public Method CloseAll Closes all connections.
Public Method FindConnection Gets the object of the connection at the specified ID in the list of available connections to the server.
Public Method FindRestriction Gets the index of the specified IP address in the restriction list.
Public Method FindUser Gets the index of the registered user with the specified username.
Public Method GetFastestQueueDuration Gets the network sink's client queue duration for undelivered sample buffers.
Public Method GetPassword Gets the password of the user at the specified index in the list of registered users.
Public Method GetRestriction Gets the restricted IP address at the specified index from the list of restrictions.
Public Method GetUsername Gets the username of the user at the specified index in the list of registered users.
Public Method RemoveAllRestrictions Removes all the restrictions from the restriction list.
Public Method RemoveAllUsers Removes all registered users.
Public Method RemoveRestriction Removes the restriction at the specified index from the list of restrictions.
Public Method RemoveUser Removes the user name at the specified index from the registered user list.
Public Method SetPassword Sets the password of the user at the specified index in the list of registered users.

See Also


ILMNetSnk Interface

LMNetSnk Namespace

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