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MWLDataset Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see MWLDataset members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property ContrastAllergies Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Contrast Allergies' table.
Public Property ImagingServiceRequest Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Imaging Service Request' table.
Public Property MedicalAlerts Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Medical Alerts' table.
Public Property NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResults Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Names Of Intended Recipients Of Results' table.
Public Property OtherPatientIDs Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Other Patient IDs' table.
Public Property Patient Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Patient' table.
Public Property ReferencedPatientSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Patient Sequence' table.
Public Property ReferencedStudySequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Study Sequence' table.
Public Property Relations Get the collection of relations that link tables and allow navigation from parent tables to child tables.
Public Property RequestedProcedure Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Requested Procedure' table.
Public Property RequestedProcedureCodeSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Requested Procedure Code Sequence' table.
Public Property ScheduledProcedureStep Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Procedure Step' table.
Public Property ScheduledProtocolCodeSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence' table.
Public Property ScheduledStationAETitles Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Station AE Titles' table.
Public Property ScheduledStationNames Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Station Names' table.
Public Property SchemaSerializationMode Gets or sets a SchemaSerializationMode for this MWLDataset.
Public Property Tables Gets the collection of tables contained in the MWLDataset.
Public Property Visit Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Visit' table.

See Also


MWLDataset Class

Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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