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PDFLineAnnotation Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by PDFLineAnnotation.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor PDFLineAnnotation Initializes a new instance of a PDFLineAnnotation object with default values.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Clone Creates an exact copy of this PDFLineAnnotation.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AnnotationType Gets the type of this annotation object.
Public Property CaptionPosition Position of the caption over the line.
Public Property EndingsBrush The brush to use to fill any area inside the selected ending style.
Public Property EndPoint End point of this line annotation.
Public Property EndStyle The style of the end point of this object.
Public Property Intent Intent of this line object.
Public Property LeaderExtension Leader line extension length.
Public Property LeaderLength Leader line length.
Public Property LeaderOffset Leader line offset.
Public Property Pen Pen of this line annotation.
Public Property ShowCaption Indicates whether to display the caption for this line annotation.
Public Property StartPoint Start point of this line annotation.
Public Property StartStyle The style of the starting point of this object.

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field CaptionPositionInline Inline caption position.
Public Field CaptionPositionTop Top caption position.
Public Field IntentLineArrow Arrow line intent.
Public Field IntentLineDimension Dimension line intent.

See Also


PDFLineAnnotation Class

Leadtools.Pdf Namespace

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