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ImageFormat Enumeration


Image data format

public enum ImageFormat 
Public Enum ImageFormat 
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, LTKernelImageFormat) 
public enum ImageFormat 
public enum class ImageFormat   
0RGB888 24-bits per pixel image data stored in RGB order
1BGR888 24-bits per pixel image data stored in BGR order
2RGB8888 32-bits per pixel image data stored in RGBA order
3BGR8888 32-bits per pixel image data stored in BGRA order
4YV12 Planar Y, U, V data using 4:1:1 (aka 4:2:0) subsampling. The U and V planes are half the width and height of the Y plane. The Y plane is followed immediately by the U (Cb) plane, which is followed immediately by the V (Cr) plane. The YUV data is 12 bits/pixel (each 2x2 pixels are described by 6 bytes). The image's width and height must be multiple of 2. The size of the YUV data is width * height * 3 / 2
5NV12 A Y plane followed by interleaved plane of UV data. There are half as many U and V samples as Y samples in both width and height. In other words, for each 2x2 square of Y pixels, there is only one corresponding U, V pair. The YUV data is 12 bits/pixel (each 2x2 pixels are described by 6 bytes). The image's width and height must be multiple of 2. The size of the YUV data is width * height * 3 / 2.
6NV21 A Y plane followed by interleaved plane of VU data. Similar to NV12 data, except that the order of UV samples is reversed. The YUV data is 12 bits/pixel (each 2x2 pixels are described by 6 bytes). The image's width and height must be multiple of 2 The size of the YUV data is width * height * 3 / 2
7YUY2 Interleaved 4:2:2 YUYV data. Each two horizontal pixels have the same U and V values. The YUV data is 16 bits/pixel (each 2 pixels are described by 4 bytes). The image's width must be a multiple of 2. The size of the YUV data is width * height * 2

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