SpecialEffectsTextStyle Enumeration
The text style used for the special effect. The Draw3dText and DrawRotated3dText methods use this enumeration.
Public Enum SpecialEffectsTextStyle
Inherits System.Enum
Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
public enum SpecialEffectsTextStyle
public enum class SpecialEffectsTextStyle : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
Value | Member | Description |
0 | Normal | No three-dimensional effect |
1 | InsetLight | Inset light |
2 | InsetHeavy | Inset heavy |
3 | RaisedLight | Raised light |
4 | RaisedHeavy | Raised heavy |
5 | DropShadow | Drop shadow |
6 | BlockShadow | Block shadow |
7 | OutlineBlock | Outline block |
8 | InsetExtraLight | Inset extra light |
9 | InsetExtraHeavy | Inset extra heavy |
10 | RaisedExtraLight | Raised extra light |
11 | RaisedExtraHeavy | Raised extra heavy |