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RasterWindowLevelDialog Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see RasterWindowLevelDialog members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AutoProcess Gets or sets the value that determines whether the dialog should perform window-leveling on the Image when the user clicks OK.
Public Property EndColor Gets or sets the end color value for the gradient.
Public Property Factor Gets or sets the factor to be applied in the method operation specified in the Mode drop-down list box in the LUT Curve section of the Window Leveling dialog box.
Public Property High Gets or sets the high value for the range to be filled.
Public Property HighBit Gets or sets a value that indicates the high bit used for leveling.
Public Property Image Gets or sets the RasterImage that the dialog will preview if ShowPreview is true and will process if AutoProcess is true.
Public Property LookupTable Gets or sets the lookup table that can be used to implement a user-defined conversion.
Public Property Low Gets or sets the low value for the range to be filled.
Public Property LowBit Gets or sets a value that indicates the low bit used for leveling.
Public Property ShowHelp Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the dialog box will support Help.
Public Property ShowPreview Gets or sets the value that determines whether the dialog should include a Preview Window which will display the Image.
Public Property ShowRange Gets or sets the value that determines whether the dialog should include Range combo box.
Public Property ShowZoomLevel Gets or sets the value that determines whether the dialog should include the Zoom Level Toolbar.
Public Property Signed Gets or sets the value that determines whether the image that is being window-leveled is Signed or Unsigned.
Public Property StartColor Gets or sets the start color value for the gradient.
Public Property WindowLevelFlags Gets or sets the user selection values that will be passed to Leadtools.RasterPalette.WindowLevelFillLookupTable2(Leadtools.RasterColor[],Leadtools.RasterColor,Leadtools.RasterColor,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Leadtools.RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags).
Public Property ZoomToFit Gets or sets the value that determines whether the dialog should display the Image Zoomed to fit the preview window.

See Also


RasterWindowLevelDialog Class

Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.Color Namespace

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