
#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_INT LImageViewerCell::GetCellScaleMode(nSubCellIndex, puScaleMode, uFlags)

Retrieves the current scale mode for the specified cell or sub-cell.  This feature is available in version 16 or higher.


L_INT nSubCellIndex

A zero-based index into the image list attached to the cell. The function will retrieve the scale mode from the sub-cell with nSubCellIndex index. Pass -2 to retrieve the scale mode from the selected sub-cell.

L_UINT * puScaleMode

Address of the variable to be updated, with the scale mode. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
CONTAINER_SCALEMODE_NORMAL [0x00000000] No scale mode applied.  This is the default value.
CONTAINER_SCALEMODE_FIT [0x00000001] The image will fit to the sub-cell boundaries.
CONTAINER_SCALEMODE_FITWIDTH [0x00000002] The image width will fit to the sub-cell boundaires.
CONTAINER_SCALEMODE_FITHEIGHT [0x00000003] The image height will fit to the image boundareis.

L_UINT uFlags

Reserved for future use. Pass 0.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


Currently, there are two ways to fit an image to a cell. One is by setting the bIsFit value of DISPCELLPROPERTIES structure to true (also remembering to set the corresponding uMask value), and then sending this structure to the LImageViewerCell::SetCellProperties function. The other method is by using LImageViewerCell::GetCellScale and LImageViewerCell::SetCellScale functions. In order to be able to use these functions make sure that bIsFit is set to FALSE.

To get the scale of cell or sub-cell use the LImageViewerCell::GetCellScale function.

To set the scale of cell or sub-cell use the LImageViewerCell::SetCellScale function.

To set the properties of the scale action use the LImageViewerCell::SetActionProperties function.

To get the properties of the scale action use the LImageViewerCell::GetActionProperties function.

To set the scale mode of cell or sub-cell use the LImageViewerCell::SetCellScaleMode function.

Required DLLs and Libraries

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