Initializing and Freeing Toolbars

LEADTOOLS accesses toolbars through the TOOLBARHANDLE structure. This structure provides a working area for the toolbar functions. The toolbar handle must be initialized before calling any of the toolbar functions. This is done using the L_TBInit function. The following example shows how to initialize the toolbar handle.

pTOOLBARHANDLE pLeadToolbar ;   
/* Initiate the toolbar handle */   
L_TBInit ( &pLeadToolbar ) ;   

A toolbar handle is valid only after L_TBInit and L_TBCreate have been called. The validity of the toolbar should be checked before calling any other toolbar functions. This is done using L_TBIsValid.

When the TOOLBARHANDLE structure is no longer needed, it should be freed using the L_TBFree function. The following example shows how to free a toolbar handle:

if (SUCCESS == L_TBIsValid ( pLeadToolbar ) ) 
   L_TBFree ( pLeadToolbar ) ; 
   return SUCCESS ; 
   return FAILURE ; 

Once L_TBFree has been called, the toolbar handle is no longer valid.

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