GetRenderedImage Method


Gets the specified RasterImage from the output 3D volume.

public static RasterImage GetRenderedImage( 
   string id, 
   double x, 
   double y, 
   int width, 
   int height, 
   int scaleFactor, 
   string effect, 
   int action, 
   float sensitivity, 
   float ratio 
   static RasterImage^ GetRenderedImage( 
       String^ id, 
      double x, 
      double y, 
      Int32 width, 
      Int32 height, 
      Int32 scaleFactor, 
      String^ effect, 
      Int32 action, 
      Single sensitivity, 
      Single ratio 



The 3D object id.


x mouse coordinate


y mouse coordinate


The width of the 3D volume display window


The height of the 3D volume display window


The resize factor that is used to render a low resolution image.


Indicates which effect to apply to the 3D volume. The following values are possible:

0OffsetTranslate the volume.
1ScaleZoom the scale in or out.
2Window LevelWindow level the volume.
3Rotate 3D ObjectRotate the volume.


Indicates which action to apply to the volume. The following values are possible::

GetNo action, just retrieve the current volume output image.
DownApply mouse down and then retrieve the volume output image.
MoveApply mouse move using the x and y coordinates, and then retrieve the volume output image.
UpApply mouse up and then retrieve the volume output image.


The mouse sensitivity.


The mouse scaling ratio.

Return Value

A RasterImage containing the output image that contains the rendered 3D volume.


GetRenderedImage does two things: it applies various actions, and then it retrieves the rendered volume as a raster image.

  • To only get the current rendered volume as an output image, send the action parameter "get". Effects will be ignored and only the rendered volume as a raster image returned.
  • To apply an effect to the 3D volume, several calls need to be made: first call this method with action set to "down" in order to simulate the mouse down; then call the method again with effect set to "move" and update the x and y coordinates; and finally call this method a last time with action set to "up" to simulate the mouse up.
  • To speed up the performance of the 3D volume, set the scaleFactor to 2 or 3 when you are moving the mouse: this will return smaller resolution version of the rendered image.
  • You can only use this method after object creation is complete. For more information on how to create a volume, refer to CreateObject.
  • To determine whether the volume is ready, refer to CheckProgress.

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