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AnnDesigner Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnDesigner members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Cancel Cancels the current designer operation.
Public Method End Ends this designer.
Public Method GetRenderer Gets the object that is used to render the TargetObject.
Public Method Invalidate Manually invalidates this designer.
Public Method OnPointerDoubleClick Handles pointer double-click events on the designer.
Public Method OnPointerDown Handles pointer down events on the designer.
Public Method OnPointerMove Handles pointer move events on the designer.
Public Method OnPointerUp Handles pointer up events on the designer.
Public Method SnapPointToGrid Snaps the specified point to the container grid based on SnapToGridOptions.
Public Method Start Starts this designer.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method ClipPoint Clips the specified point.

See Also

AnnDesigner Class

Leadtools.Annotations.Designers Namespace

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Leadtools.Annotations.Designers Assembly
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